外部(可拆卸)Sd中的路徑從設備到設備的不同而不同,我也想不出一個單一的方法來檢查它的可用性,所以我寫了一個方法,它遍歷不同製造商使用的所有不同的ext路徑,然後找到完全匹配。如果找到該文件夾,則返回true &該卡已插入手機中。
public static boolean isExternalCardAvailable(Context context) {
List<String> listOfFoldersToSearch = Arrays.asList("/storage/", "/mnt/", "/removable/", "/data/");
final List<String> listOf2DepthFolders = Arrays.asList("sdcard0", "media_rw", "removable");
final List<String> listOfExtFolders = Arrays.asList("sdcard1", "extsdcard", "external_sd", "microsd", "emmc", "ext_sd", "sdext",
"sdext1", "sdext2", "sdext3", "sdext4");
final String[] thePath = {""};
Optional<File> optional = StreamSupport.stream(listOfFoldersToSearch)
.filter(new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean test(final String s) {
File folder = new File(s);
return folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory();
}) //I got the ones that exist and are directories
.flatMap(new Function<String, Stream<File>>() {
public Stream<File> apply(final String s) {
try {
List<File> files = Arrays.asList(new File(s).listFiles());
return StreamSupport.stream(files);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
return StreamSupport.stream(new ArrayList<File>());
}) //I got all sub-dirs of the main folders
.flatMap(new Function<File, Stream<File>>() {
public Stream<File> apply(final File file1) {
if (listOf2DepthFolders.contains(file1.getName()
.toLowerCase())) {
try {
List<File> files = Arrays.asList(file1.listFiles());
return StreamSupport.stream(files);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
return StreamSupport.stream(Collections.singletonList(file1));
} else
return StreamSupport.stream(Collections.singletonList(file1));
}) //Here I got all the 2 depth and 3 depth folders
.filter(new Predicate<File>() {
public boolean test(final File o) {
return listOfExtFolders.contains(o.getName()
optional.ifPresent(new Consumer<File>() {
public void accept(final File file) {
thePath[0] = file.getAbsolutePath();
Log.e("Path", thePath[0]);
try {
ContextCompat.getExternalFilesDirs(context, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("PathException", thePath[0]);
return !thePath[0].equals("") && new File(thePath[0]).listFiles()!=null;
仍然得到它掛載 – androGuy
你在模擬器中測試它嗎? –
Nah真實設備 – androGuy