2016-06-22 41 views


(function($) { 
    $.fn.parallax = function() { 
    var window_width = $(window).width(); 

    return this.each(function(i) { 
     var $this = $(this); 

     $this.find('img').each(function() { 
     $(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + $(this).prop('currentSrc') + ')'); 
     $(this).attr('src', ''); 
     $(this).attr('srcset', ''); 

     function updateParallax(initial) { 
     var container_height; 
     // if (window_width < 992) { 
     container_height = ($this.height() > 0) ? $this.height() : $this.children("img").height(); 
     // } 
     // else { 
     // container_height = ($this.height() > 0) ? $this.height() : 500; 
     // } 
     var img_height = $this.children("img").height(); 
     var parallax_dist = img_height - container_height; 
     var bottom = $this.offset().top + container_height; 
     var top = $this.offset().top; 
     var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); 
     var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; 
     var windowBottom = scrollTop + windowHeight; 
     var percentScrolled = (windowBottom - bottom)/(container_height + windowHeight); 
     var parallax = -1 * parallax_dist * percentScrolled; 

      'img_height: ' + img_height + '\n' + 
      'parallax_dist: ' + parallax_dist + '\n' + 
      'bottom: ' + bottom + '\n' + 
      'top: ' + top + '\n' + 
      'scrollTop: ' + scrollTop + '\n' + 
      'windowHeight: ' + windowHeight + '\n' + 
      'windowBottom: ' + windowBottom + '\n' + 
      'percentScrolled: ' + percentScrolled + '\n' + 
      'parallax: ' + parallax + '\n' 

     if ((bottom > scrollTop) && (top < (scrollTop + windowHeight))) { 
      $this.children("img").first().css('bottom', parallax + "px"); 
     if (initial) { 
      $this.children("img").first().css('display', 'block'); 

     // Wait for image load 
     $this.children("img").one("load", function() { 
     }).each(function() { 
     if (this.complete) $(this).load(); 

     $(window).scroll(function() { 
     window_width = $(window).width(); 

     $(window).resize(function() { 
     window_width = $(window).width(); 


.parallax-container { 
    position: relative; 
    overflow: hidden; 
    height: 500px; 
.parallax { 
    position: absolute; 
    top: 0; 
    left: 0; 
    right: 0; 
    bottom: 0; 
    z-index: -1; 
.parallax img { 
    display: none; 
    position: absolute; 
    bottom: 0; 
    width: 100%; 
    max-width: 100%; 
    min-height: 100%; 
    background-position: bottom; 
    background-size: contain; 
    background-repeat: no-repeat; 
<div class="full-parallax parallax-container"> 
    <div class="parallax"> 
    <img src="http://lorempixel.com/1000/1000/" srcset="http://lorempixel.com/1000/1000/ 2000w, http://lorempixel.com/500/500/ 500w" alt=""> 

<div class="content"> 
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    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
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    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 
    <p>Text text text text text text</p> 



<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

    $(document).ready(function() { 

這工作都很好,但在Firefox這僅適用於如果我加載頁面(或者通過刪除緩存重新加載)。 如果我正常重新加載頁面(F5),則視差無法正確加載(圖像太遠),直到我滾動第一個圖像爲止,然後圖像跳到正確的位置。







$(window).on("load", function(){ 
    });//window load 
}(jQuery));// last line of your code. Add the trigger code just above this line 

我喜歡你的快速和骯髒的思想,但不,不幫幫我。 – newnoise


@newnoise哈哈......有時候雖然有幫助。或'$(window).trigger('resize');';) –