2014-01-18 34 views

我想轉換字符串以使用變量和參數來構建它。通過調用自定義函數來將var轉換爲子字符串來替換字符串 - Algo JS

The min length of __40 is 4. Max length is 16. 






* Replace the tags in the text by the args. 
* @param message  The message. 
* @param args   The args to replace in the message. 
* @returns {string} The string built. 
Lang.prototype._replaceArgsInText = function (message, args, lang) { 
     for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { 
      message = message.replace((this.PATTERN_ARGS + i), args[i]); 

     // Check if some of the args was other language keys. 
     return message; 

編輯: 最終的解決方案:

* Replace the tags in the text by the args. 
* @param message  The message. 
* @param args   The args to replace in the message. 
* @returns {string} The string built. 
* @private 
private _replaceArgsInText(message: any, args: any, lang: string): string{ 
    for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){ 
     message = message.replace((this.PATTERN_ARGS+i), args[i]); 

    // Check if some of the args was other language keys. 
    message = this._replaceSubKeys(message, /__\w+/g, this._languages[lang][this._FIELD_CONTENT_LANG]); 

    return message; 

* Replace the sub keys into the sentence by the actual text. 
* @param sentence 
* @param rx 
* @param array 
* @returns {string|void} 
* @private 
private _replaceSubKeys(sentence, rx, array): string{ 

    return sentence.replace(rx, function(i) { 
     var subSentence = array[i]; 
     // TODO Check if that's an object or a string. 
     if(typeof subSentence == 'string'){ 
      return subSentence; 
      console.log('not a string!') 
      return null; 

你問什麼語言?您的文章標記爲'javascript',但您的示例代碼不是'javascript'。 – jfriend00


TypeScript可能? – elclanrs


其實是的,它是typescrit,所以它就像javascript,但源代碼是面向對象的。 – Vadorequest




function replace(text, rx, map) { 
    return text.replace(rx, function(k) { return map[k] }); 

var res = replace(
    "The min length of __40 is 4. Max length is 16.", 
    /__\w+/g, // regex for the substitution format 
    {__40: 'snake'}); // map of substitution parameters 


我也在使用String.prototype.replace function,它也是一個函數。


謝謝,這是行之有效的! – Vadorequest


@Vadorequest:不客氣! –