2015-01-04 89 views






92秒2秒按下光任意鍵繼續。 。 。











這裏是我的代碼,它應該是編譯的任何MSVS 2013安裝

#include <iostream> 
#include <Windows.h> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 
#include <random> 
#include <thread> 
#include <future> 

using namespace std; 

class mLaser 
    mLaser(int clen, float mamt) 
     mlCLen = clen; 
     mlMAmt = mamt; 

    int getCLen() 
     return mlCLen; 

    float getMAmt() 
     return mlMAmt; 

    void mCycle(int i1, int mCLength) 
     bool bMCycle = true; 

     int mCTime_left = mCLength * 1000; 
     int mCTime_start = GetTickCount(); //Get cycle start time 
     int mCTime_old = ((mCTime_start + 500)/1000); 

     cout << "Time until cycle " << i1 << " is complete: " << endl; 

     while (bMCycle) 
      cout << ((mCTime_left + 500)/1000) << " seconds"; 

      bool bNChange = true; 

      while (bNChange) 
       //cout << "."; 

       int mCTime_new = GetTickCount(); 

       if (mCTime_old != ((mCTime_new + 500)/1000)) 
        //cout << mCTime_old << " " << ((mCTime_new+500)/1000) << endl; 
        mCTime_old = ((mCTime_new + 500)/1000); 
        mCTime_left -= 1000; 
        bNChange = false; 
      cout << " \r" << flush; 
      if (mCTime_left == 0) 
       bMCycle = false; 

     cout << "Mining Cycle " << i1 << " finished" << endl; 

     return true; 

    int mlCLen; 
    float mlMAmt; 

string sMCycle(mLaser ml, int i1, thread& thread); 

int main() 
    vector<mLaser> mlasers; 
    vector<thread> mthreads; 
    future<string> futr; 

    random_device rd; 
    mt19937 gen(rd()); 

    uniform_int_distribution<> laser(1, 3); 
    uniform_int_distribution<> cLRand(30, 90); 
    uniform_real_distribution<float> mARand(34.0f, 154.3f); 

    int lasers; 
    int cycle_time; 
    float mining_amount; 

    lasers = laser(gen); 

    for (int i = 0; i < lasers-1; i++) 
     mlasers.push_back(mLaser(cLRand(gen), mARand(gen))); 

    for (int i = 0; i < mlasers.size(); i++) 
     futr = async(launch::async, [mlasers, i, &mthreads]{return sMCycle(mlasers.at(i), i + 1, mthreads.at(i)); }); 

     //mthreads.at(i) = thread(bind(&mLaser::mCycle, ref(mlasers.at(i)), mlasers.at(i).getCLen(), mlasers.at(i).getMAmt())); 

    for (int i = 0; i < mthreads.size(); i++) 

    //string temp = futr.get(); 
    //float out = strtof(temp.c_str(),NULL); 

    //cout << out << endl; 

    return 0; 

string sMCycle(mLaser ml, int i1, thread& t1) 
    t1 = thread(bind(&mLaser::mCycle, ref(ml), ml.getCLen(), ml.getMAmt())); 

    return "122.0"; 




關於併發訪問標準流對象的標準有什麼要說的(即,std::coutstd::cin等)是在27.4.1 [iostream.objects.overview]段落4:

併發訪問的同步(標準iostream對象的格式和無格式輸入(並且多線程輸出(函數或標準C流不會導致數據競爭(1.10)。 [注意:如果用戶希望避免交錯字符,用戶必須仍然同步使用這些對象和多個線程的流。 - 注意]



感謝您的建議,Mutexs是我可以修復的名單上,但是我發現了一個可能的,簡單的,方法來解決這個問題使用shared_future可以複製(所以我可以推入一個向量)。 – Geowil




#include <iostream> 
#include <Windows.h> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 
#include <random> 
#include <thread> 
#include <future> 

using namespace std; //Tacky, but good enough fo a poc D: 

class mLaser 
    mLaser(int clen, float mamt, int time_left) 
     mlCLen = clen; 
     mlMAmt = mamt; 
     mCTime_left = time_left; 
     bIsCompleted = false; 

    int getCLen() 
     return mlCLen; 

    float getMAmt() 
     return mlMAmt; 

    void setMCOld(int old) 
     mCTime_old = old; 

    void mCycle() 
     if (!bIsCompleted) 
      int mCTime_new = GetTickCount(); //Get current tick count for comparison to mCOld_time 

      if (mCTime_old != ((mCTime_new + 500)/1000)) //Do calculations to see if time has passed since mCTime_old was set 
       //If it has then update mCTime_old and remove one second from mCTime_left. 
       mCTime_old = ((mCTime_new + 500)/1000); 
       mCTime_left -= 1000; 

      cur_time = mCTime_left; 

      mCTime_left = 0; 

    int getCTime() 
     return cur_time; 

    int getCTLeft() 
     return mCTime_left; 

    void mCComp() 
     bIsCompleted = true; 

    bool getCompleted() 
     return bIsCompleted; 

    int mlCLen; //Time of a complete mining cycle 
    float mlMAmt; //Amoung of ore produced by one mining cycle (not used yet) 
    int cur_time; //The current time remaining in the current mining cycle; will be removing this as it is just a copy of mCTime_left that I was going to use for another possiblity to make this code work 
    int mCTime_left; //The current time remaining in the current mining cycle 
    int mCTime_old; //The last time that mCycle was called 

    bool bIsCompleted; //Flag to check if a mining cycle has already been accounted for as completed 

void sMCycle(mLaser& ml, int i1, thread& _thread); //Start a mining cycle thread 

//Some global defines 
random_device rd; 
mt19937 gen(rd()); 

uniform_int_distribution<> laser(1, 10); //A random range for the number of mlaser entities to use 
uniform_int_distribution<> cLRand(30, 90); //A random time range in seconds of mining cycle lengths 
uniform_real_distribution<float> mARand(34.0f, 154.3f); //A random float range of the amount of ore produced by one mining cycle (not used yet) 

int main() 
    //Init some variables for later use 
    vector<mLaser> mlasers; //Vector to hold mlaser objects 
    vector<thread> mthreads; //Vector to hold threads 
    vector<shared_future<int>> futr; //Vector to hold shared_futures (not used yet, might not be used if I can get the code working like this) 

    int lasers; //Number of lasers to create 
    int cycle_time; //Mining cycle time 
    int active_miners = 0; //Number of active mining cycle threads (one for each laser) 
    float mining_amount; //Amount of ore produced by one mining cycle (not used yet) 

    lasers = laser(gen); //Get a random number 
    active_miners = lasers; //Set this to that random number for the while loop later on 

    //Create the mlaser objects and push them into the mlasers vector 
    for (int i = 0; i < lasers; i++) 
     int clength = cLRand(gen); 

     mlasers.push_back(mLaser(clength, mARand(gen), (clength * 1000))); 

     //Also push thread obects into mthreads for each laser object 

    //Setup data for mining cycles 
    for (int i = 0; i < mlasers.size(); i++) 
     int mCTime_start = GetTickCount(); //Get cycle start time 
     mlasers.at(i).setMCOld(((mCTime_start + 500)/1000)); 

    //Print initial display for mining cycles 
    for (int i = 0; i < mlasers.size(); i++) 
     cout << "Mining Laser " << i + 1 << " cycle will complete in " << (mlasers.at(i).getCTLeft() + 500)/1000 << " seconds..." << endl; 

    while (active_miners > 0) 
     for (int i = 0; i < mlasers.size(); i++) 
      //futr.push_back(async(launch::async, [mlasers, i, &mthreads]{return sMCycle(mlasers.at(i), i + 1, mthreads.at(i)); })); 
      async(launch::async, [&mlasers, i, &mthreads]{return sMCycle(mlasers.at(i), i + 1, mthreads.at(i)); }); //Launch a thread for the current mlaser object 
      //mthreads.at(i) = thread(bind(&mLaser::mCycle, ref(mlasers.at(i)), mlasers.at(i).getCLen(), mlasers.at(i).getMAmt())); 

     //Output information from loops 
     //cout << " \r" << flush; //Return cursor to start of line and flush the buffer for the next info 


     for (int i = 0; i < mlasers.size(); i++) 
      if (mlasers.at(i).getCTLeft() != 0) //If mining cycle is not completed 
       cout << "Mining Laser " << i + 1 << " cycle will complete in " << (mlasers.at(i).getCTLeft() + 500)/1000 << " seconds..." << endl; 

      else if (mlasers.at(i).getCTLeft() == 0) //If it is completed 
       if (!mlasers.at(i).getCompleted()) 
        active_miners -= 1; 

       cout << "Mining Laser " << i + 1 << " has completed its mining cycle!" << endl; 

    /*for (int i = 0; i < mthreads.size(); i++) 

    //string temp = futr.get(); 
    //float out = strtof(temp.c_str(),NULL); 

    //cout << out << endl; 

    return 0; 

void sMCycle(mLaser& ml, int i1,thread& _thread) 
    //Start thread 
    _thread = thread(bind(&mLaser::mCycle, ref(ml))); 

    //Join the thread 