好奇,如果有人有解決這個問題。下面是我的代碼,我認爲它工作正常。我們已經使用了很長時間,有人向我指出他們一直在做的事情,這會導致腳本錯誤。Excel VB錯誤Application.Undo&ActiveSheet.Protect
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim vClear As Variant
Dim vData As Variant
Dim lFirstRow As Long
Dim lLastRow As Long
'This prevents more than one cell from being changed at once.
'If more than one cell is changed then validation checks will not work.
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then
vData = Target.Formula
For Each vClear In vData
If vClear <> "" Then 'If data is only deleted then more than one cell can be changed.
MsgBox "Change only one cell at a time", , "Too Many Changes!"
Exit For
'If data is deleted this will check to see what columns are being deleted.
'Deleting certain columns will also allow for the automatic deletion of other columns not selected.
If vClear = "" Then
'If the target includes columns D, it will also clear columns M & N.
If Not Intersect(Target, Columns("D")) Is Nothing Then
'Gets the first row in the target range.
lFirstRow = Target.Rows(1).Row
'Gets the last row in the target range.
lLastRow = lFirstRow + Target.Rows.Count - 1
'Clears the contents of corresponding rows in column M & N.
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lFirstRow, 13), Cells(lLastRow, 13)).ClearContents
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lFirstRow, 14), Cells(lLastRow, 14)).ClearContents
End If
'If the target includes columns G, it will also clear columns I & K & N.
If Not Intersect(Target, Columns("G")) Is Nothing Then
'Gets the first row in the target range.
lFirstRow = Target.Rows(1).Row
'Gets the last row in the target range.
lLastRow = lFirstRow + Target.Rows.Count - 1
'Clears the contents of corresponding rows in column I & K & N.
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lFirstRow, 9), Cells(lLastRow, 9)).ClearContents
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lFirstRow, 11), Cells(lLastRow, 11)).ClearContents
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lFirstRow, 14), Cells(lLastRow, 14)).ClearContents
End If
'If the target includes columns H, it will also clear columns I & K.
If Not Intersect(Target, Columns("H")) Is Nothing Then
'Gets the first row in the target range.
lFirstRow = Target.Rows(1).Row
'Gets the last row in the target range.
lLastRow = lFirstRow + Target.Rows.Count - 1
'Clears the contents of corresponding rows in column I & K.
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lFirstRow, 9), Cells(lLastRow, 9)).ClearContents
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lFirstRow, 11), Cells(lLastRow, 11)).ClearContents
End If
'If the target includes column J, it will also clear column K.
If Not Intersect(Target, Columns("J")) Is Nothing Then
'Gets the first row in the target range.
lFirstRow = Target.Rows(1).Row
'Gets the last row in the target range.
lLastRow = lFirstRow + Target.Rows.Count - 1
'Clears the contents of corresponding rows in column K.
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lFirstRow, 11), Cells(lLastRow, 11)).ClearContents
End If
End If
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim iFirstCol As Integer
Dim iLastCol As Integer
Dim iFirstRow As Integer
Dim iLastRow As Integer
Dim iColor As Integer
'''Only adjust the below numbers to fit your desired results.'''
iFirstCol = 1 'Change this number to the number of the first column that needs to be highlighted. Column A = 1.
iLastCol = 15 'Change this number to the number of the last column that needs to be highlighted. Column A = 1.
iFirstRow = 7 'Change this number to the number of the first row that needs to be highlighted.
iLastRow = 500 'Change this number to the number of the last row that needs to be highlighted.
iColor = 20 'Change this number to use a different highlight color.
'''End of changes, do not change anything else.'''
If Target.Count = 1 Then
'The row highlight will only be applied if the selected range is within this if statement criteria.
If Target.Row > iFirstRow - 1 And Target.Row < iLastRow + 1 And Target.Column > iFirstCol - 1 And Target.Column < iLastCol + 1 Then
'Resets the color within the full range when cell selection changed.
ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveSheet.Cells(iFirstRow, iFirstCol), ActiveSheet.Cells(iLastRow, iLastCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
'Applies the colors to the row.
For counter = iFirstCol To iLastCol
With ActiveSheet.Cells(Target.Row, iFirstCol).Interior
.ColorIndex = iColor
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
iFirstCol = iFirstCol + 1
Next counter
End If
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
拖動允許用戶嗎?如果拖動導致此問題,爲什麼不禁用單元格拖動? –
是的,如果他們拖動到一個單元格以允許單個更改,但它並不是真的需要,但如果用戶更喜歡使用它,則可以。如果沒有其他的選擇,我可以禁用它,儘管我不確定你能否確認它,但是有點想到同樣的事情,並且想到查找可能的代碼來禁用它。我寧願這是最後的手段。如果你應該知道如何禁用它,如果我應該走這條路線,你可以發佈代碼嗎?這將是我的最後一個選擇。謝謝 – Chris
'應用程序。CellDragAndDrop = False',並且不確定爲什麼當有一個簡單的可用解決方案時,你試圖尋找一個困難的解決方案。你的整個想法更多的是允許用戶單獨進入到工作表上。不是嗎? –