MonthName monthObject = new MonthName();
public class callingfunctionsfromotherfiles
public static void main(String[] args)
// TODO code application logic here
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
String finalDate="";
System.out.println("Pleaase enter your date of birth in this format dd mm yyyy");
String dob=scan.nextLine(); // date of birth entered by the user
String d = dob.substring(0,2); //split the dob into 3 parts
String m = dob.substring(3, 5);
String y = dob.substring(6, 10);
int day = Integer.parseInt(d); //convert dob strings to int
int month = Integer.parseInt(m);
int year = Integer.parseInt(y);
MonthName monthObject = new MonthName();
// MonthName.month_name(month); non static???
System.out.println(finalDate= "You where born on " + week_day(day, month, year) +", " + monthObject.month_name(month) + ", "+ day + ", " + year);
public static String week_day(int day, int month, int year) // returns a string value for the week day with integer parameters of day,month,year
MonthOffset offsetObject = new MonthOffset(); //"Can't find symbol"
WeekDayCalculator leapObject = new WeekDayCalculator(); //"Can't find symbol"
WeekDayName wkdayObject = new WeekDayName(); //"Can't find symbol"
int yy = year - 1900;
int total = yy/4 + yy + day + offsetObject.month_offset(month);
// weekDayCalculator.month_offset();
boolean leap = leapObject.is_leap(year); //pass "year" into the is_leap method which returns true or false
if(leap == true && month == 1 || month == 2) //if it is a leap year and the month == 1(january) 2(february) subtract 1 from the total
total-= -1;
total = total %7; //total is remainder of (total/7)
String finalDay = wkdayObject.weekday_name(total); // call weekday_name and pass in total, giving finalDay a string value from weekday_name
return finalDay;
public class monthname
public static String month_name(int num)
String month ="";
if(num == 1)
month ="January";
else if(num == 2)
month ="Feburary";
else if(num == 3)
month ="March";
else if(num == 4)
month ="April";
else if(num == 5)
month ="May";
else if(num == 6)
month ="June";
else if(num == 7)
month ="July";
else if(num == 8)
month ="August";
else if(num == 9)
month ="September";
else if(num == 10)
month ="October";
else if(num == 11)
month ="November";
else if(num == 12)
month ="December";
month ="error";
return month;
public class monthoffset
public static int month_offset(int month)
int offset =0;
if (month == 1)
else if (month == 2)
offset = 4;
else if (month == 3)
offset = 4;
else if (month == 4)
offset = 0;
else if (month == 5)
offset = 2;
else if (month == 6)
offset = 5;
else if (month == 7)
offset = 0;
else if (month == 8)
offset = 3;
else if (month == 9)
offset = 6;
else if (month == 10)
offset = 1;
else if (month == 11)
offset = 4;
else if(month ==12)
offset = -1;
return offset;
我只在您發佈的代碼中看到一個方法名稱'month_name'。它在類「monthoffset」中,需要一個int參數。所以顯然'MonthName.month_name()'不起作用。 –
另請注意,Java區分大小寫。 'monthoffset'和'MonthOffset'不是一回事。 –
好的......當粘貼我的代碼時,我粘貼了monthoffset而不是monthname作爲類,而不是像我的ide。我刪除everythig並重新開始,仍然是完全相同的問題。現在類名已經完全按原樣複製了。 –