public string GetMetadata(string metaDataKey)
// As you can see, I am doing what the dictionary itself will normally do, but my exception message has some context, and is therefore more descriptive of the actual problem.
if (!_Metadata.ContainsKey(metaDataKey))
throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("There is no metadata that contains the key '{0}'!", metaDataKey));
// This will throw a 'KeyNotFoundException' in normal cases, which I want, but the message "The key is not present in the dictionary" is not very informative. This is the exception who's message I wish to alter.
string val = _Metadata[metaDataKey].TrimEnd();
return val;
KeyNotFoundException.SetMessage("this is my custom message!")
// OK, now this will send off the message I want when the exception appears!
// Now I can avoid all of that silly boilerplate!
string val = _Metadata[metaDataKey].TrimEnd();
我想每個人都錯過了這個問題。我知道當我嘗試訪問字典時會出現'KeyNotFound'。我只是想改變這個EXCEPTION包含的信息。我不覺得它是非常有用的做檢查自己,或抓住原來的例外。 – 2011-06-02 17:10:10