2013-05-25 70 views

我被困在我的大學項目上,我一直在微博上工作,這可能看起來很愚蠢,但我不知道如何讓飼料自動刷新而不會導致我的每月帶寬,這裏是我使用ATM代碼,AJAX PHP微博更新飼料


// connect to the database 
require_once 'script/login.php'; 

//show results 
$query = "SELECT post, PID, fbpic, fbname, fblink, post_date, DATE_FORMAT(post_date, 'Posted on %D %M %Y at %H:%i') AS pd FROM `posts` WHERE 1\n" 
    . "ORDER BY `post_date` DESC LIMIT 0, 30 "; 
$result = @mysql_query ($query); 

if ($result) { //If it ran ok display the records 
echo '<div id="feed">'; 
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { 
     echo '<a name="' . $row['PID'] . '"></a><div id="postsint"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.facebook.com/' . $row['fblink'] . '"><img id="dp" title="' . $row['fbname'] . '" src="https://graph.facebook.com/' . $row['fbpic'] . '/picture"/></a><div id="posttext">' . base64_decode($row['post']) . '<blockquote>' . $row['pd'] . '</blockquote><a href="https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=505747259483458&link=http://www.wisp-r.com/share.php?id=' . $row['PID'] . '&picture=http://www.wisp-r.com/images/app-icon.png&name=Wispr by ' . $row['fbname'] . '&caption=' . $row['pd'] . '&description=' . htmlspecialchars(base64_decode($row['post']), ENT_QUOTES) . '&redirect_uri=http://www.wisp-r.com/share.php?id=' . $row['PID'] . '">Share</a></div></div><br />'; 
echo '</div>'; 
mysql_free_result ($result); 
} else { //if it did not run ok 
echo '<h2 id="error">Wisprs could not be retrieved. We apologise for any inconvienience.</h2>'; //public message 
echo '<p id="error">' . mysql_error() . '<br /><br /> Query: ' . $query . '</p>'; //debugging message 
mysql_close(); // Close database connection 



<div id="postlist"> FEED GOES HERE.</div> 




PS - 我只是猜測,這是阿賈克斯,但我的導師推薦這個網站的答案,如果我被卡住


您沒有提供任何Javascript代碼,告知我們您如何每2秒做一次此更新。或者你還沒有創造任何,這就是你希望我們幫助你? –


我們想幫助你,但你的問題含糊不清,JavaScript在哪裏? – samayo


我還沒有寫過任何文字,我確實有一個腳本,但它正在謀殺我的每月帶寬,所以我把它關了,我從字面上尋找對我​​的問題的答案,這是模糊的,因爲我真的沒有什麼東西可以放入=/ –





<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 

function getFeed(){ 

window.onload = getFeed(); 



這是暴力強制它,使其不斷刪除postlist div中的舊html,並創建所有新的html每2秒。如果你有你正在加載的圖像,你需要一個更復雜的解決方案。


工作了一段時間,它與我以前使用的代碼相同,但是'window.onload = getFeed();'部分在頁面加載時立即加載,所以我將刷新超時提高到20000(20秒) –


Cheers =] [link](http:// wisp-r。com)看看你是否喜歡=] –


@DanielJamesMonaghan不錯的網站和好運與你的其他項目 – Nile




<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(function() { 
     // Define our view model that we will feed to KnockoutJS. 
     var viewModel = { 
      posts: [] 

     // We'll use this variable to keep track of the last post we 
     // received. When we send our GET request, our php script will be 
     // able to see $_GET['last_post_date'] and only return the posts 
     // that come after that. 
     var last_post_date = null; 

     // This is the function that will get called every 2 seconds to 
     // load new data. 
     var getData = function() { 
       url: "/data.php", 
       data: { 
        last_post_date: last_post_date 
      }).done(function(data) { 
       // We'll assume data.php will give us a JSON object that looks 
       // like: { posts: [] } 

       // Append the new posts to the end of our 'posts' array in our 
       // view model. 

       // Tell KnockoutJS to update the html. 

       // Store the date of the last post to use in our next ajax call. 
       last_post_date = viewModel.posts[ viewModel.posts.length - 1 ].post_date; 

      // In 2 seconds, call this function again. 
      setTimeout(getData, 2000); 

     // grab the first set of posts and start looping 

<!-- We're telling KnockoutJS that for each 'row' in our 'posts' array, apply 
the template named 'row-template'. --> 
<div id="postlist" 
    data-bind="template: { name: 'row-template', foreach: posts }"></div> 

<!-- This is the KnockoutJS template that we referenced earlier. Of course, 
you don't have to use KnockoutJS to do this. There are plenty of other ways 
to do this. Do keep in mind that you'll minimize your bandwidth usage if you 
send JSON and use an HTML template rather than loading the same HTML over 
and over again. --> 
<script type="text/html" id="row-template"> 
    <a data-bind="attr: {name: PID}"></a> 
    <div id="postsint"> 
     <a target="_blank" data-bind=" 
      attr: { 
       href: 'http://www.facebook.com/' + fblink 
      <img id="dp" data-bind=" 
       attr: { 
        title: fbname, 
        src: 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + fbpic + '/picture' 
      " /> 
     <div id="posttext"> 
      <!--ko text: post--><!--/ko--> 
      <blockquote data-bind="text: pd"></blockquote> 
      <a data-bind=" 
       attr: { 
       href: 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?' + 
        'app_id=505747259483458&amp;' + 
        'link=http://www.wisp-r.com/share.php?' + 
        'id=' + PID + '&amp;' + 
        'picture=http://www.wisp-r.com/images/app-icon.png&amp;' + 
        'name=Wispr by ' + fbname + '&amp;' + 
        'caption=' + pd + '&amp;' + 
        'description=' + post + '&amp;' + 
        'redirect_uri=http://www.wisp-r.com/share.php?id=' + PID 
    <br /> 



// ... do sql stuff ... 
// Remember to add a WHERE statement to filter out posts that are earlier than 
// or equal to $_GET['last_post_date']. 

$posts = array(); 
if ($result) { 
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { 
     array_push($posts, $row); 
echo json_encode(array('posts' => $posts)); 

雖然這看起來非常令人印象深刻,我不知道如何實現這一點,它直接飛過我的頭大聲笑,歡呼的答案,但看起來太複雜了,當然我做tbh ...(我們的「網頁設計」模塊是定製WordPress的安裝...我在4小時內完成了模塊)= / –