function onOpen() {
// Add the Geocode menu
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().addMenu("Geocoder", [{
name: "Geocode addresses",
functionName: 'geocode'
function geocode() {
// Get the current spreadsheet, sheet, range and selected addresses
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
var addresses = range.getValues();
// Determine the first row and column to geocode
var row = range.getRow();
var column = range.getColumn();
// Set default destination columns
var destination = new Array();
destination[0] = column + 1;
destination[1] = column + 2;
// Prompt for latitude and longitude columns
var response = Browser.inputBox("Coordinate Columns",
"Please specify which columns should contain the latitude " +
"and longitude values [ie. 'C,D', 'A,F', etc]. Leave blank to " +
"insert new columns.",
if (response == 'cancel') return;
if (response == '')
sheet.insertColumnsAfter(column, 2);
else {
var coord_columns = response.split(',');
destination[0] = sheet.getRange(coord_columns[0] + '1').getColumn();
destination[1] = sheet.getRange(coord_columns[1] + '1').getColumn();
// Initialize the geocoder and set loading status
var geocoder = Maps.newGeocoder();
var count = range.getHeight();
spreadsheet.toast(count + " addresses are currently being geocoded. " +
"Please wait.", "Loading...", -1);
// Iterate through addresses and geocode
for (i in addresses) {
var location = geocoder.geocode(
sheet.getRange(row, destination[0]).setValue(location.lat);
sheet.getRange(row++, destination[1]).setValue(location.lng);
// Remove loading status
spreadsheet.toast("Geocoding is now complete.", "Finished", -1);
大家好,歡迎堆棧溢出。正如[faq](http://stackoverflow.com/faq#signatures)中指出的那樣,簽名是不鼓勵的,所以如果/當你的移除,請不要冒犯。 – Jeff