使用MYSQL C API查詢結果時。結果返回爲MYSQL_ROW類型,根據MYSQL C API文檔,我可以很容易地printf(「%s」,row [0])。但是如果我想將行[0]的內容轉換爲字符串或char *呢?mysql c api row [0] to string
%s格式只能接受char *,所以從你的描述看來,MYSQL_ROW實際上是一個char **,並且第[0]行將產生一個char *。
- 1. Datagridview row to text boxes string split問題
- 2. Mysql select to php string
- 3. SELECT where row value contains string MySQL
- 4. MYSQL Select Case Row to Column
- 5. PHP $ row to array
- 6. String [] to uint32 c#
- 7. Marshall c#string to C++
- 8. MySQL String to Time Trouble
- 9. c#string [] to jquery string list?
- 10. C#List <string> [] to Datatable
- 11. if mysql row A value exists then then row B value to 1 with PHP
- 12. 總ROW Mysql的C#
- 13. C++ - MPIR:mpz_t to std :: string?
- 14. tkinter variable.grid(row = 0)
- 15. char * string to hex arrary in C
- 16. ArrayBuffer to String,String to ArrayBuffer方法
- 17. Base64 String to Json String
- 18. System.InvalidCastException Double to String
- 19. C++ String to Delimeter的數組
- 20. Cast string to enum
- 21. Mysql row always = 1
- 22. php mysql get row
- 23. Text to Column change as Text to row
- 24. Maya API to C++
- 25. ICollection <string> to string []
- 26. base 64 string to hexa string
- 27. Flex:ByteArray to string
- 28. SQL Select closet row value to varchar
- 29. Base64 String to Image
- 30. long varchar to string
然而,如果你這樣做,它會停在第一個\ 0 – BCS 2008-11-08 23:20:03
謝謝,我已經更新了我的答案來解決這個問題。 – 2008-11-09 18:05:00