我想將圖像加載到python中的畫布上。但是我得到的錯誤:TclError:在圖像文件「C:\ testimage \ spongesea.jpg」無法識別的數據無法在python中加載圖像
import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *
import time
import inspect
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
class game_one:
def __init__(self):
global root
global canvas_one
root = Tk()
root.title(" Thanks Josh Dark
canvas_one = Tkinter.Canvas(root, bg="BLACK")
canvas_one.pack(expand= YES, fill= BOTH)
canvas_one.focus_set() #allows keyboard events
p = PhotoImage(file="C:\testimage\spongesea.jpg")
canvas_one.create_image(0, 0, image = p, anchor=NW)
root.grab_set()#I forget what this does. Don't change it.
root.lift()#This makes root appear in front of the other applications
ObjectExample = game_one()# starts the animation
在許多語言中\具有特殊含義的字符串 - 即。 '\ t'表示'tab' - 你在路徑中有'\ t'。因此,使用\\('「C:\\ ... \\ ...」)或'/'(C:/ .../...「)或前綴爲」r「的原始字符串 - 'r「C:\ ... \」' – furas