我得到Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
我也三叔,我用我已經下文提到的相同順序在網站上其他js文件 列表。
的版本更改爲1.9.1。但我仍然收到錯誤。 和我也使用
<script src="cufon/cufon-yui.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Executed on DOM load */
'zoomSpeedIn': 600,
'zoomSpeedOut': 500,
'easingIn': 'easeOutBack',
'easingOut': 'easeInBack',
'hideOnContentClick': false,
'padding': 15
/* Listening for keyup events on fields of the "Add a note" form: */
this.preview=$('#fancy_ajax .note');
/* Setting the text of the preview to the contents of the input field, and stripping all the HTML tags: */
/* Changing the color of the preview note: */
$('#fancy_ajax .note').removeClass('yellow green blue').addClass($(this).attr('class').replace('color',''));
/* The submit button: */
alert("The note text is too short!")
return false;
alert("You haven't entered your name!")
return false;
$(this).replaceWith('<img src="img/ajax_load.gif" style="margin:30px auto;display:block" />');
var data = {
'zindex' : ++zIndex,
'body' : $('.pr-body').val(),
'author' : $('.pr-author').val(),
'color' : $.trim($('#fancy_ajax .note').attr('class').replace('note',''))
/* Sending an AJAX POST request: */
/* msg contains the ID of the note, assigned by MySQL's auto increment: */
var tmp = $('#fancy_ajax .note').clone();
/* Converts all the radio groups into star ratings */
$("#quotes-hide").mousemove(function (e) {
/* The scrollable quote container */
if (!this.hideDiv) {
/* These variables are initialised only the firts time the function is run: */
this.hideDiv = $(this);
this.scrollDiv = $('#quotes-slide');
this.pos = this.hideDiv.offset();
this.pos.top += 20;
/* Adding a 20px offset, so that the scrolling begins 20px from the top */
this.slideHeight = this.scrollDiv.height();
this.height = this.hideDiv.height();
this.height -= 20;
/* Adding a bottom offset */
this.totScroll = this.slideHeight - this.height;
/* Remember that this.scrollDiv is a jQuery object, as initilised above */
marginTop: '-' + this.totScroll * (Math.max(e.pageY - this.pos.top, 0)/this.height) + 'px'
/* Assigning a negative top margin according to the position of the mouse cursor, passed
with e.pageY; It is relative to the page, so we substract the position of the scroll container */
$('.thumb').click(function (e) {
/* Executed once a quote from the list on the right is clicked */
var obj = quotes[parseInt(e.target.id.replace('q-', '')) - 1];
/* The e.target.id of the quote corresponds to its position in the quotes array */
$('#slogan-quote-content').fadeOut('fast', function() {
/* This is a callback function, run once the quote contaier on the left has faded out */
if (!obj) return false;
/* Replacing the contents of the quote text and author */
/* Changing the background color */
if (obj.bgc) $('body').stop().animate({
backgroundColor: obj.bgc
}, 'slow');
/* Generating the radio boxes for the tool-tip star rating */
var tmpstr = '';
for (var z = 0; z < 5; z++) {
tmpstr += '<input type="radio" name="voteQ" value="' + (z + 1) + '" ';
if (z + 1 == obj.rating) tmpstr += 'checked=checked ';
if (parseInt(obj.voted)) tmpstr += 'disabled="disabled" ';
tmpstr += '/>';
tmpstr = '<div id="voteRating">' + tmpstr + '</div>';
/* Updating the content of the tool-tip and converting it to a star rating */
cancelShow: false,
oneVoteOnly: true,
callback: function (ui, type, value) {
vote(obj, value);
/* Regenerating the cufon text replacement for the new quote text on the left */
/* Show the new quote with a fade-in effect */
/* Creating and configuring the tool-tip with the help of the qtip plugin */
content: {
text: 'This is an active list element',
title: {
text: 'Vote for this quote'
prerender: true
show: 'mouseover',
hide: {
delay: 2000,
fixed: true,
when: 'mouseout'
position: {
corner: {
target: 'rightMiddle',
tooltip: 'leftMiddle'
adjust: {
y: 20
style: {
border: {
width: 2,
radius: 6
name: 'light',
tip: 'leftMiddle'
/* After the page has loaded, click the first quote on the right */
setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);
/* The global array holding all the data about the quotes. Filled in on page load. */
var quotes = new Array();
function fillData(obj) {
function vote(ob, value) {
/* Sending the votes to vote.php */
$.post('vote.php', {
qid: ob.id,
vote: value
}, function (data) {
if (data == "1") {
/* If the vote was saved successfully, update the quote data.. */
ob.voted = 1;
ob.votes = ob.votes + 1;
ob.vsum = ob.vsum + parseInt(value);
ob.rating = Math.round(ob.vsum/ob.votes);
/* ..and update the star rating */
$('#rating-' + ob.id).stars("select", ob.rating);
quotes[ob.id - 1] = ob;
jQuery v1.3.2 **已超過5年**,爲什麼還在使用它? –
使用非縮小版本的jQuery文件...然後檢查錯誤的來源 –
我試圖將其更改爲新版本..但是這並不能幫助擺脫此問題。相反,我只在屏幕上看不到任何東西。 –