2017-02-23 36 views



public class idk{ 

    // find the minimun valued element 
    // range [start, ar.length - 1] 
    // int indexOfMin= -1; this is incorrect!!! 

    // return indexOfMin; 
    public static int findMin(int [] ar, int start) 
     int minValue = ar[0]; 
     for (int i = start; i < ar.length; i++) { 
      if (ar[i] < minValue) 
       minValue = ar[i]; 


     return minValue; 
    public static void swap(int[] list, int a , int b){ 

     int temp = list[a]; 
     list[a] = list[b]; 
     list[b] = temp; 
    // 1) make a new array, copy the values from arr 
    // into it and THEN sort res 
    // 2) implement and use in this method 
    // the findMin helper method defined above 

    public static int [] selSort(int[] arr) 
     int [] res= new int[arr.length]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) 
      res[i] = arr[i]; 

     int min = res.length; 
     for (int x =0; x < res.length; x++){ 
      min = x; 
      for (int y = x + 1; y < res.length;y++){ 
       if (res[y] < res[min]) 
        min = y; 

      swap (res,x, min);   
     return res; 






  1. 將您的陣列到最小堆。
  2. 現在,min-heap的最頂層元素是數組中最小的元素。
  3. 通過調用findMin()方法獲取此元素,並將該元素與數組的最後一個元素交換,然後減小最小堆的大小。
  4. 堆你最小的堆。這種方法
  5. 重複步驟1至4直到堆大小> 1
