2014-02-21 88 views

在這個問題被標記之前,讓我承認它與我前幾天提問的一個問題非常類似,涉及到其他一些問題,但在對這兩個問題使用答案後有,我現在遇到另一個問題。另外,不確定標題實際上是否適合我遇到的問題,但它似乎可能是代碼在程序中的排序問題。Visual Basic中變量的增量


  1. 如果數量文本框留空,程序應該默認添加1個選定的成分。
  2. 如果在文本框中輸入了數字以外的任何內容,程序應該顯示一個消息框,要求用戶輸入數字數量。



Public Class Form1 

    Private TotalCalories As Integer = 0 

    Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click 
     Dim i As Integer = lstIngredients.SelectedIndex 
     Dim Quantity As Double 
     Dim intCount As Integer = 0 

     If Trim(txtQuantity.Text) = "" Then 
      Quantity = 1 
      Quantity = Me.txtQuantity.Text 
     End If 

     If IsNumeric(txtQuantity.Text) = False Then 
      MessageBox.Show("The quantity entered is not numeric. Please add a numeric quantity.") 
     End If 

     If intCount < Quantity Then 
      lstRecipe.Items.Add(Quantity & " " & lstIngredients.Text) 
      intCount += 1 
     End If 

     If lstRecipe.Text = "Eggs(each)" Then 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 72 
     ElseIf lstRecipe.Text = "Flour(cups)" Then 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 455 
     ElseIf lstRecipe.Text = "Milk(cups)" Then 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 86 
     ElseIf lstRecipe.Text = "Sugar(cups)" Then 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 774 
     ElseIf lstRecipe.Text = "Butter(tablespoons)" Then 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 102 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click 
     TotalCalories = 0 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click 
     txtAnswer.Text = TotalCalories 

    End Sub 
End Class 

的代碼中,我使用 如果lstRecipe.text =(數量& 「」 & 「雞蛋」 & 「」 「(每個)」)隨後也試過這個。 .. 但這也沒有奏效。


在班級的頂部,設置選項嚴格打開。您應該看到您使用的隱式轉換是您失敗的根源。 –


而不是'Trim(txtQuantity.Text)=「」'使用'String.IsNullOrWhitespace(txtQuantity.Text)' –


而不需要初始化值類型(整數)。 VB會自動初始化它們作爲默認值(值)或0在數字的情況下。 –



lstRecipe.Text將引用配方列表框中的SELECTED項目,該項目與您剛添加的項目不同。即使選擇了某種東西,每次添加其他物品時,也只需添加很多卡路里。由於您將(Quantity & " " & lstIngredients.Text)發佈到食譜中,因此文本將永遠不會與僅限配料的文本匹配(並且應爲Quantity.ToString)。

lstRecipe.Items.Add(Quantity & " " & lstIngredients.Text) 

    ' this assumes the quoted text is exactly 
    ' what they contain. we cant see that, but 
    ' lstRECIPE would be something like '4 Eggs(each)' 
    ' this will also break if you change the text like 
    ' add a space before the parens 'Eggs (each)' 
    ' which is another reason a class is a much better way 
    If lstIngredients.Text = "Eggs(each)" Then 
     TotalCalories += Quantity * 72 
    ElseIf lstIngredients.Text = "Flour(cups)" Then 
     TotalCalories += Quantity * 455 
    ElseIf lstIngredients.Text = "Milk(cups)" Then 
     TotalCalories += Quantity * 86 
    ElseIf lstIngredients.Text = "Sugar(cups)" Then 
     TotalCalories += Quantity * 774 
    ElseIf lstIngredients.Text = "Butter(tablespoons)" Then 
     TotalCalories += Quantity * 102 
    End If 


lstRecipe.Items.Add(Quantity & " " & lstIngredients.Text) 

    Select Case lstIngredients.Text 
     Case "Eggs(each)" 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 72 
     Case "Flour(cups)" 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 455 
     Case "Milk(cups)" Then 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 86 
     Case "Sugar(cups)" 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 774 
     Case "Butter(tablespoons)" 
      TotalCalories += Quantity * 102 
    End Select 



謝謝sooooo多,它終於現在完美的工作! –