我正在嘗試創建VBscript以從SCADA系統(WinCC RT Professional)導出過程數據以定期存檔所有過程變量。數據存儲在可通過連接包訪問的SQL表中。我設法在導出一個標籤(過程變量)時使腳本工作,但我想循環系統中的所有標籤(大約60),將它們收集到另一個記錄集中,然後將此記錄集中的所有數據保存在一個csv-文件。我創建了RecSet,它收集一個標記(時間,過程變量等)的所有變量(字段),我只需要來自字段4的值(對於所有標記都是相同的字段)。然後,我想將此字段複製到另一個記錄集中 - RecSetColl從所有標記中收集所有必需數據(字段4),最後將它們保存在CSV文件中。非常感謝您的幫助。從SCADA系統導出數據
Sub DataExport()
Dim fso 'FileSystemObject
Dim f 'File
Dim ts 'TextStream
Dim path 'Path
Dim ArchiveDate 'Archive date
'Name of CSV-file
ArchiveDate = ArchiveDate & Now
ArchiveDate = Replace(ArchiveDate,"/","")
ArchiveDate = Replace(ArchiveDate," ","")
ArchiveDate = Replace(ArchiveDate,":","")
ArchiveDate = "MDF_" & ArchiveDate
'Path to the csv-file
path = "D:\Historical_data\" & ArchiveDate & ".csv"
'Create Filesystemobject and CSV-file if not exists:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FileExists(path) Then
MsgBox "File already exists!"
Exit Sub
End If
'Create object and open it for writing
Set f = fso.GetFile(path)
Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(2,-2)
ts.WriteLine("Tag-Name;ValueID;Date/Time;Process-Value") 'Header
'Generate String for the CSV-Filename
Dim Pro 'Provider
Dim DSN 'Data Source Name
Dim DS 'Data Source
Dim ConnString 'Connection String
Dim MachineNameRT 'Name of the PC from WinCC-RT
Dim DSNRT 'Data Source Name from WinnCC-RT
Dim Conn 'Connection to ADODB
Dim RecSet 'RecordSet
Dim RecSetColl 'RecordSet storing data to be saved to the CSV-file
Dim Command 'Query
Dim CommandText 'Command-Text
Dim i
'Read the name of the PC-Station and the DSN-Name from WinCC-RT
Set MachineNameRT = HMIRuntime.Tags("@LocalMachineName")
Set DSNRT = HMIRuntime.Tags("@DatasourceNameRT")
'Preparing the Connection-String
Pro = "Provider=WinCCOLEDBProvider.1;" 'First instance of WinCCOLEDB
DSN = "Catalog=" & DSNRT.Read & ";" 'Name of Runtime-Database
DS = "Data Source=" & MachineNameRT.Read & "\WinCC" 'Data Source
'Build the complete String:
ConnString = Pro + DSN + DS
'Make Connection
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.ConnectionString = ConnString
Conn.CursorLocation = 3
Set RecSetColl = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With RecSetColl.Fields
.Append "Time1", adChar
.Append "AHU_RUN", adChar
.Append "Time2", adChar
.Append "TT01", adChar
.Append "TT02", adChar
End With
For i = 0 To 4
Set RecSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set Command = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Command.CommandType = 1
Set Command.ActiveConnection = Conn
'Building the complete string
CommandText = "Tag:R," & i & ",'0000-00-00 12:00:00.000','0000-00-00 00:00:00.000'"
Command.CommandText = CommandText
Set RecSet = Command.Execute
RecSetColl.Fields(i) = RecSet.Fields(4) 'RecSet.Fields(4) stores a proces value
Set RecSet = Nothing
Set Command = Nothing
'Writing recordsets to CSV-file
Do While Not RecSetColl.EOF
ts.WriteLine (RecSetColl.Fields(0).Value & ";" & RecSetColl.Fields(1).Value & ";" & RecSetColl.Fields(2).Value & ";" & RecSetColl.Fields(3).Value & ";" & RecSetColl.Fields(4).Value & ";" & RecSetColl.Fields(5).Value)
Set RecSetColl = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Set f = Nothing
Set ts = Nothing
End Sub