2015-04-06 70 views

我有一個測試套件,是圍繞包含〜350測試的JavaScript應用程序代碼構建的。我的測試通過從節點命令行運行grunt test來運行。每次測試運行時,我的測試的不同數量都會在停止之前運行。它很少完成我所有的測試。有沒有人有過這種事情發生過?有什麼想法可能會導致它?運行單元測試的變量成功 - Node,Mocha,Chai,Karma,Grunt

當我運行測試時,我通常會從270 - 350測試完成時得到一個看似隨機的數字。測試結束後,我不會收到任何錯誤或任何信息。它最終說法是這樣的:

Finished in 1.332 secs/0.823 secs 

√ 311 test completed 


describe('util.js', function() { 
    it('should create the global SeniorHomes object', function() { 
    describe('sh.cookies.create', function() { 
     sh.cookies.create('name', 'value', 10); 
     it('should create a cookie', function() { 
      var cookies = document.cookie.split('; '), 
      $.each(cookies, function(i, item) { 
       if (item.split('=')[0] === 'name') { 
        cookie = { 
         name: item.split('=')[0], 
         value: item.split('=')[1] 
    describe('sh.cookies.read', function() { 
     sh.cookies.create('name2', 'value2', 10); 
     var cookie = sh.cookies.read('name2'); 
     it('should read the value of a cookie', function() { 
    describe('sh.cookies.erase', function() { 
     sh.cookies.create('name3', 'value3', 10); 
     it('should delete a cookie', function() { 
    describe('sh.format_time', function() { 
     var date1 = new Date('01/31/2005 10:00'), 
      date2 = new Date('01/31/2005 15:59'), 
      output1 = sh.format_time(date1), 
      output2 = sh.format_time(date2); 
     it('should output a formatted time string', function() { 
      expect(output1).to.equal('10:00 am'); 
      expect(output2).to.equal('3:59 pm'); 
    describe('sh.to_title_case', function() { 
     var output = sh.to_title_case('test_string'); 
     it('should output a title formatted string', function() { 
      expect(output).to.equal('Test String'); 
    describe('sh.to_snake_case', function() { 
     var output = sh.to_snake_case('Test String'); 
     it('should ouput a snake cased string', function() { 
    describe('copy_object', function() { 
     var original = { 
      test1: { 
       test2: 'test3' 
     var copy = sh.copy_object(original); 
     it('should create a copy of the original object', function() { 



* Name: Util.js 
* Description: Contains javascript used on both frontend and backend 
* Note: jQuery Dependent 

* Global namespace for site functionality 
* @type {Object} 
if (!sh) { 
    var Site = function() {}, 
     sh = new Site(); 

$(function() { 
    //apply calendar datepicker (jquery ui) to input 
     dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd 00:00:00" 

    //Alert confirm message for .confirm buttons 
    $('.confirm').click(function(e) { 
     var confirmation = confirm('Are you sure you want to do this?'); 
     if (!confirmation) 

sh.environment = (function() { 
    var subdomain = window.location.host.split('.')[0]; 
    if(subdomain === 'www') { 
     return 'production'; 
    } else { 
     return 'development'; 

sh.cookies = {}; 
* Create a cookie 
* @param {string} name name of cookie 
* @param {string} value value of cookie 
* @param {int} days expiration length 
* @return {null}  no return value 
sh.cookies.create = function(name, value, days){ 
    var expires = ''; 
    if (days) { 
     var date = new Date(); 
     date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); 
     expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); 

    document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; 

* Read the value of a cookie 
* @param {string} name name of cookie 
* @return {string|null}  value of cookie 
sh.cookies.read = function(name){ 
    var nameEQ = name + "="; 
    var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); 
    for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { 
     var c = ca[i]; 
     while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); 
     if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) { 
      return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); 
    return null; 

* Erase a cookie 
* @param {string} name name of cookie 
* @return {null}  no return value 
sh.cookies.erase = function(name){ 
    sh.cookies.create(name, "", -1); 

* Get a formatted time from a JavaScript date time object 
* @param {object} time date time 
* @return {string}  formatted date time (hh:mm pm/am) 
sh.format_time = function(time){ 
    var minuteFormat = time.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + time.getMinutes() : time.getMinutes(); 
    var timeString = 
     time.getHours() - 12 > 0 ? 
     time.getHours() - 12 + ':' + minuteFormat + ' pm' : time.getHours() + ':' + minuteFormat + ' am'; 

    return timeString; 

* Formats a string to capital letters with spaces 
* @param {string} str string to be title-cased (test_string) 
* @return {string}  title case version of str (Test String) 
sh.to_title_case = function(str){ 
    return str.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();}); 

* Formats a string to lower case with underscores instead of spaces 
* @param {string} str string to be snake cased (Test String) 
* @return {string}  snake case version of str (test_string) 
sh.to_snake_case = function(str){ 
    return str.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,'_'); 

* Produces a copy of a javascript object 
* @param {object} object object to be copied 
* @return {object}  copy 
sh.copy_object = function(object) { 
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)); 

//returns the version of ie as integer 
sh.get_ie = (function() { 
    var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 
    return (myNav.indexOf('msie') != -1) ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false; 

* Various data structures 
* @type {Object} 
sh.structures = {}; 

* A general exception 
sh.structures.Exception = Error; 

我最初的猜測是你想在同步測試中運行異步函數。你可以發佈一個跳過測試的例子嗎? –


我添加了代碼以及其中一個很少運行的文件的測試。這並不是說特定的測試會被跳過。這是測試過早停止,只是沒有完成所有的測試。 – Watty


我想我找到了。當我將測試作爲單次運行運行時,它會因警告而中止。我刪除了三組測試,現在看起來一致。我刪除了兩個調用'location.reload()'的函數的測試,並且刪除了一個將樣式表添加到dom的函數的測試。我必須找到一些方法來測試這些沒有警告我猜。 – Watty




  • 請求桌面版本:添加一個cookie並重新加載頁面以獲取桌面樣式。

  • 要求手機版:「完成,沒有錯誤」刪除Cookie,然後再重新裝入獲得移動風格

