d1 <- data.frame(lat = 1:10, lon = 1:10, V2 = runif(10), V4 = rnorm(10))
d2 <- data.frame(lat = 1:10, lon = 1:10, V1 = runif(10), V3 = rnorm(10))
## merge the data using `lat` and `lon`
res <- merge(d1, d2, sort = FALSE) ## `sort = FALSE` stops R reordering rows
## get columns in right order
res <- res[, c(1:2, order(colnames(res[, -(1:2)])) + 2)]
> res
lat lon V1 V2 V3 V4
1 1 1 0.4820801 0.26550866 0.91897737 -0.8204684
2 2 2 0.5995658 0.37212390 0.78213630 0.4874291
3 3 3 0.4935413 0.57285336 0.07456498 0.7383247
4 4 4 0.1862176 0.90820779 -1.98935170 0.5757814
5 5 5 0.8273733 0.20168193 0.61982575 -0.3053884
6 6 6 0.6684667 0.89838968 -0.05612874 1.5117812
7 7 7 0.7942399 0.94467527 -0.15579551 0.3898432
8 8 8 0.1079436 0.66079779 -1.47075238 -0.6212406
9 9 9 0.7237109 0.62911404 -0.47815006 -2.2146999
10 10 10 0.4112744 0.06178627 0.41794156 1.1249309
## dummy data
df3 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(60), ncol = 6))
names(df3) <- paste("df3Var", 1:6, sep = "")
df3 <- = 1:10, lon = 1:10, df3)
df4 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(30), ncol = 3))
names(df4) <- paste("df4Var", 1:3, sep = "")
df4 <- = 1:10, lon = 1:10, df4)
## merge
res2 <- merge(df3, df4, sort = FALSE)
> head(res2)
lat lon df3Var1 df3Var2 df3Var3 df3Var4 df3Var5 df3Var6
1 1 1 0.2655087 0.2059746 0.9347052 0.4820801 0.8209463 0.47761962
2 2 2 0.3721239 0.1765568 0.2121425 0.5995658 0.6470602 0.86120948
3 3 3 0.5728534 0.6870228 0.6516738 0.4935413 0.7829328 0.43809711
4 4 4 0.9082078 0.3841037 0.1255551 0.1862176 0.5530363 0.24479728
5 5 5 0.2016819 0.7698414 0.2672207 0.8273733 0.5297196 0.07067905
6 6 6 0.8983897 0.4976992 0.3861141 0.6684667 0.7893562 0.09946616
df4Var1 df4Var2 df4Var3
1 0.9128759 0.3390729 0.4346595
2 0.2936034 0.8394404 0.7125147
3 0.4590657 0.3466835 0.3999944
4 0.3323947 0.3337749 0.3253522
5 0.6508705 0.4763512 0.7570871
6 0.2580168 0.8921983 0.2026923
> names(res2)
[1] "lat" "lon" "df3Var1" "df3Var2" "df3Var3" "df3Var4" "df3Var5"
[8] "df3Var6" "df4Var1" "df4Var2" "df4Var3"
> ord
[1] 1 2 7 3 4 8 5 6 9
> ord + 2
[1] 3 4 9 5 6 10 7 8 11
一旦你有序列,我們只需要一種方法來使用R的向量化工具和一點點數學來產生我們想要的序列。我分兩個階段建立指數; i)首先我計算合併數據幀的列(1:6) + 2
ord <- numeric(length = sum(ncol(df3), ncol(df4)) - 4)
ngrps <- 3
ningrps <- 2
## i)
want <- rep(seq_len(ningrps), ngrps) +
rep(seq(from = 0, by = 3, length = prod(ngrps, ningrps)/2),
each = ningrps)
ord[want] <- seq_len(prod(ngrps, ningrps))
## ii)
want <- ngrps * seq_len(ngrps)
ord[want] <- seq(to = sum(ncol(df3), ncol(df4)) - 4, by = 1, length = ngrps)
res3 <- res2[, c(1:2, ord+2)]
> head(res3)
lat lon df3Var1 df3Var2 df4Var1 df3Var3 df3Var4 df4Var2 df3Var5
1 1 1 0.2655087 0.2059746 0.9128759 0.9347052 0.4820801 0.3390729 0.8209463
2 2 2 0.3721239 0.1765568 0.2936034 0.2121425 0.5995658 0.8394404 0.6470602
3 3 3 0.5728534 0.6870228 0.4590657 0.6516738 0.4935413 0.3466835 0.7829328
4 4 4 0.9082078 0.3841037 0.3323947 0.1255551 0.1862176 0.3337749 0.5530363
5 5 5 0.2016819 0.7698414 0.6508705 0.2672207 0.8273733 0.4763512 0.5297196
6 6 6 0.8983897 0.4976992 0.2580168 0.3861141 0.6684667 0.8921983 0.7893562
df3Var6 df4Var3
1 0.47761962 0.4346595
2 0.86120948 0.7125147
3 0.43809711 0.3999944
4 0.24479728 0.3253522
5 0.07067905 0.7570871
6 0.09946616 0.2026923
myMerge <- function(x, y, ngrps, ningrps, ...) {
out <- merge(x, y, ...)
ncols <- ncol(out) - 2
ord <- numeric(length = ncols)
want <- rep(seq_len(ningrps), ngrps) +
rep(seq(from = 0, by = ngrps, length = prod(ngrps, ningrps)/2),
each = ningrps)
ord[want] <- seq_len(prod(ngrps, ningrps))
want <- ngrps * seq_len(ngrps)
ord[want] <- seq(to = ncols, by = 1, length = ngrps)
out <- out[, c(1:2, ord+2)]
> myMerge(df3, df4, ngrps = 3, ningrps = 2, sort = FALSE)
lat lon df3Var1 df3Var2 df4Var1 df3Var3 df3Var4 df4Var2
1 1 1 0.26550866 0.2059746 0.91287592 0.93470523 0.4820801 0.3390729
2 2 2 0.37212390 0.1765568 0.29360337 0.21214252 0.5995658 0.8394404
3 3 3 0.57285336 0.6870228 0.45906573 0.65167377 0.4935413 0.3466835
4 4 4 0.90820779 0.3841037 0.33239467 0.12555510 0.1862176 0.3337749
5 5 5 0.20168193 0.7698414 0.65087047 0.26722067 0.8273733 0.4763512
6 6 6 0.89838968 0.4976992 0.25801678 0.38611409 0.6684667 0.8921983
7 7 7 0.94467527 0.7176185 0.47854525 0.01339033 0.7942399 0.8643395
8 8 8 0.66079779 0.9919061 0.76631067 0.38238796 0.1079436 0.3899895
9 9 9 0.62911404 0.3800352 0.08424691 0.86969085 0.7237109 0.7773207
10 10 10 0.06178627 0.7774452 0.87532133 0.34034900 0.4112744 0.9606180
df3Var5 df3Var6 df4Var3
1 0.8209463 0.47761962 0.4346595
2 0.6470602 0.86120948 0.7125147
3 0.7829328 0.43809711 0.3999944
4 0.5530363 0.24479728 0.3253522
5 0.5297196 0.07067905 0.7570871
6 0.7893562 0.09946616 0.2026923
7 0.0233312 0.31627171 0.7111212
8 0.4772301 0.51863426 0.1216919
9 0.7323137 0.66200508 0.2454885
10 0.6927316 0.40683019 0.1433044
目前尚不清楚你的問題是什麼。你想知道如何合併兩個數據框?看起來不像,因爲你的問題使用了一個「合併」的例子。你只是想改變列的順序?看起來也不像,因爲你的問題已經使用了一個例子。 – Andrie 2012-03-01 11:33:32
我想合併兩個數據幀,但這裏的訣竅是它們具有「組」,使得結果應該像數據集1組1數據集2組1數據集1組2數據集2組2等等 – skd 2012-03-01 11:36:41
什麼是組和數據集的定義? – Andrie 2012-03-01 11:38:18