2010-02-25 33 views





我不知道爲什麼System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox擁有一個私人的構造函數。如果你可以繼承基本實現並更改hide/show方法,那將會容易得多。 – 2010-02-25 19:20:01


這是一個共享類。那是不可能的。 – SLaks 2010-02-25 19:23:02


好點。這就說得通了。 – 2010-02-25 19:36:34



using System; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

static class MessageBoxFinder { 
    public static bool IsPresent() { 
    // Enumerate windows to find the message box 
    EnumThreadWndProc callback = new EnumThreadWndProc(checkWindow); 
    return false == EnumThreadWindows(GetCurrentThreadId(), callback, IntPtr.Zero); 
    private static bool checkWindow(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lp) { 
    // Checks if <hWnd> is a dialog 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(260); 
    GetClassName(hWnd, sb, sb.Capacity); 
    if (sb.ToString() != "#32770") return true; 
    // Got a dialog, check if the the STATIC control is present 
    IntPtr hText = GetDlgItem(hWnd, 0xffff); 
    return hText == IntPtr.Zero; 
    // P/Invoke declarations 
    private delegate bool EnumThreadWndProc(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lp); 
    private static extern bool EnumThreadWindows(int tid, EnumThreadWndProc callback, IntPtr lp); 
    private static extern int GetCurrentThreadId(); 
    private static extern int GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder buffer, int buflen); 
    private static extern IntPtr GetDlgItem(IntPtr hWnd, int item); 


<System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _ 
Private Shared Function FindWindow(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As IntPtr 
End Function