2012-10-12 34 views


<!DOCTYPE html> 
     <title>Starter page</title> 

    <div class="content" id="home"> 

      <div class=" "> 
      <!--START: Div to be centered to page--> 
       <div class="DivToBeCentered"> 
        <div class="float-left"> 
         <!--START: This paragraph content is dynamic from database, i want to center align the div with the class 
            DivToBeCentered with reference to its parent--> 
         <p class="">dynamic para 1 with background image</p> 
         <!--END: This paragraph content is dynamic from database, i want to center align the div with the class 
            DivToBeCentered with reference to its parent--> 
        <div class=" float-left"> 
         <p class="">static para 2 without background image</p> 
        <div class="clear"></div> 
      <!--END: Div to be centered to page--> 




您可以指定要居中的div的寬度? – Champ


div的寬度是動態的,因爲要居中的div內的段落標記具有來自數據庫的內容。 –


給出該div的最小寬度。 &應用邊距:0 auto; – SVS



簡單的解決方案將display: inline-block;DivToBeCenteredtext-align:center;outer DIV



.outer {text-align:center;} 
.DivToBeCentered {display: inline-block;} 

     <title>Starter page</title> 
      .outer {text-align:center;} 
      .DivToBeCentered {display:block-inline} 

    <div class="content" id="home"> 

      <div class="outer"> 
      <!--START: Div to be centered to page--> 
       <div class="DivToBeCentered"> 
        <div class="float-left"> 
         <!--START: This paragraph content is dynamic from database, i want to center align the div with the class 
            DivToBeCentered with reference to its parent--> 
         <p class="">dynamic para 1 with background image</p> 
         <!--END: This paragraph content is dynamic from database, i want to center align the div with the class 
            DivToBeCentered with reference to its parent--> 
        <div class=" float-left"> 
         <p class="">static para 2 without background image</p> 
        <div class="clear"></div> 
      <!--END: Div to be centered to page--> 


優秀答案冠軍....非常感謝您的幫助....這麼簡單... –



<div class="content" id="home"> 
     <!--START: Div to be centered to page--> 
      <div class="DivToBeCentered"> 
       <div class="float-left"> 
        <!--START: This paragraph content is dynamic from database, i want to center align the div with the class 
           DivToBeCentered with reference to its parent--> 
        <p class="">dynamic para 1 with background image</p> 
        <!--END: This paragraph content is dynamic from database, i want to center align the div with the class 
           DivToBeCentered with reference to its parent--> 
       <div class=" float-left"> 
        <p class="">static para 2 without background image</p> 
       <div class="clear"></div> 
     <!--END: Div to be centered to page--> 


    position: relative; 

    position: absolute; 
    left: 0; 
    right: 0; 
    /*for vertical centering*/ 
    margin: auto; 