module.exports = {
extension: extension,
basename: basename,
removeSuffix: removeSuffix,
removeSuffixWithDelimiter: removeSuffixWithDelimiter,
appendSuffix: appendSuffix,
appendSuffixWithDelimiter: appendSuffixWithDelimiter,
directoryName: directoryName
function extension(filename) {}
function basename(filename) {}
function removeSuffix(filename) {}
function removeSuffixWithDelimiter(delimiter, filename) {}
function appendSuffix(suffix, filename) {}
function appendSuffixWithDelimiter(suffix, delimiter, filename) {}
function directoryName(filename) {}
declare module "filename.js" {
export function extension(filename: string): string;
export function basename(filename: string): string;
export function removeSuffix(filename: string): string;
export function removeSuffixWithDelimiter(delimiter: string|number, filename: string): string;
export function appendSuffix(suffix: string, filename: string): string;
export function appendSuffixWithDelimiter(suffix: string, delimiter: string|number, filename: string): string;
export function directoryName(filename: string): string;
index.ts(21,29): error TS2656: Exported external package typings file 'filename.js/index.d.ts' is not a module. Please contact the package author to update the package definition.
你能解決這個問題嗎?我有同樣的問題。 – emzero
@emzero no我目前還沒有能力 –
希望它會在TS 2.0中修復 – emzero