我有一個問題和我的任務的問題。我在GruntJs上寫了一些應用程序。 我必須通過gruntJs下載網頁源代碼。用Javascript和grunt將網頁源文件下載到文件中
我想給Grunt任務提供URL,像這樣: scr: "example.com/index.html"
然後,我必須在文件中有這個源文件,ex: source.txt
我有一個問題和我的任務的問題。我在GruntJs上寫了一些應用程序。 我必須通過gruntJs下載網頁源代碼。用Javascript和grunt將網頁源文件下載到文件中
我想給Grunt任務提供URL,像這樣: scr: "example.com/index.html"
然後,我必須在文件中有這個源文件,ex: source.txt
首先是來自node.js API的原始http.get
第二種方法是使用實際的瀏覽器引擎加載網站並執行任何JavaScript &進一步的HTML構建頁面加載運行。最常見的引擎是PhantomJS,它被包裝在一個名爲grunt-lib-phantomjs的Grunt庫中。
幸運的是,有人提供你問什麼就頂一下,做幾乎完全另一層:從上面的鏈接 https://github.com/cburgdorf/grunt-html-snapshot
htmlSnapshot: {
all: {
options: {
//that's the path where the snapshots should be placed
//it's empty by default which means they will go into the directory
//where your Gruntfile.js is placed
snapshotPath: 'snapshots/',
//This should be either the base path to your index.html file
//or your base URL. Currently the task does not use it's own
//webserver. So if your site needs a webserver to be fully
//functional configure it here.
sitePath: 'http://localhost:8888/my-website/',
//you can choose a prefix for your snapshots
//by default it's 'snapshot_'
fileNamePrefix: 'sp_',
//by default the task waits 500ms before fetching the html.
//this is to give the page enough time to to assemble itself.
//if your page needs more time, tweak here.
msWaitForPages: 1000,
//if you would rather not keep the script tags in the html snapshots
//set `removeScripts` to true. It's false by default
removeScripts: true,
//he goes the list of all urls that should be fetched
urls: [
有一個看看http://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback。 –
我嘗試使用此代碼。但沒有任何反應......'grunt.log.writeln(res); http.get(「http://www.google.com/index.html」,函數(res){ grunt.log.writeln(「Got response:」+ res.statusCode); })。on 'error',函數(e){gmail.com/grunt.log.writeln(「出錯:」+ e.message); });' – user2365163
你是否遇到'http.get'錯誤? – user568109