我正在使用gensim Doc2Vec模型來生成我的特徵向量。這裏是我使用的代碼(我已經解釋了我的問題是在代碼是什麼):Gensim Doc2Vec模型只生成有限數量的向量
cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# creating a list of tagged documents
training_docs = []
# all_docs: a list of 53 strings which are my documents and are very long (not just a couple of sentences)
for index, doc in enumerate(all_docs):
# 'doc' is in unicode format and I have already preprocessed it
training_docs.append(TaggedDocument(doc.split(), str(index+1)))
# at this point, I have 53 strings in my 'training_docs' list
model = Doc2Vec(training_docs, size=400, window=8, min_count=1, workers=cores)
# now that I print the vectors, I only have 10 vectors while I should have 53 vectors for the 53 documents that I have in my training_docs list.
# output: 10