2012-01-26 14 views



@echo off 
cd "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Scripting\" 
echo words > busy.txt 

FOR /f "delims=" %%a in ('type queue.txt') DO (
IF NOT EXIST reset.sql (

::Create SQL command 
echo USE dbname> reset.sql 
echo EXEC dbo.sp_ResetSubscription @ClientName = '%%a'>> reset.sql 
echo EXEC dbo.sp_RunClientSnapshot @ClientName = '%%a'>> reset.sql 
echo #################### %date% - %time% ####################################################>> log.txt 
echo Reinitialising '%%a'>> log.txt 
sqlcmd -i "reset.sql">> log.txt 
echo. >> log.txt 
echo ####################################################################################################>> log.txt 
echo. >> log.txt 

type queue.txt | findstr /v %%a> new.txt 
type new.txt> queue.txt 
echo New list of laptops waiting:>> log.txt 
type queue.txt>> log.txt 
echo. >> log.txt 
echo ####################################################################################################>> log.txt 
echo. >> log.txt 

if exist reset.sql del /f /q reset.sql 


if exist busy.txt del /f /q busy.txt 
if exist queue.txt del /f /q queue.txt 
if exist new.txt del /f /q new.txt







@Myles Gray - 您的解決方案有一些問題。



2)使用FINDSTR重新創建隊列,保留所有與當前ID不匹配的行。但是如果它們碰巧與你當前的ID匹配,這也會剝離後續行。這可能不成問題。但是你正在做一個子串匹配。您的FINDSTR也將消除後續行中包含您當前的ID在其中的任何地方。我不知道你的ID是什麼樣子。但是,如果您當前的ID是123,那麼所有以下ID將被錯誤地刪除 - 31236,12365等。這是一個潛在的不利問題。我說這是潛在的,因爲FOR循環已經緩衝了隊列,所以它不會在意 - 除非因爲新工作被附加到late.txt文件而中止循環 - 那麼你實際上會跳過那些缺少的ID!這可以通過向FINDSTR添加/ X選項來解決。至少你只會跳過真正的重複。

現在的主要問題 - 全部源於事實,只有一個進程可以爲任何類型的寫入(或刪除)操作打開文件。 3)即使FOR/F循環沒有寫入文件,它的設計也會失敗,如果文件正在被另一個進程寫入。因此,如果您的FOR循環試圖在另一個進程附加到隊列中時讀取隊列,那麼您的隊列處理腳本將失敗。您有busy.txt文件檢查,但您的隊列編寫器可能已經在busy.txt文件創建之前開始寫入。寫入操作可能需要一段時間,特別是在追加許多行時。在寫入隊列時,您的隊列處理器可能會啓動,然後發生碰撞和失敗。







下面是一個基於文件的解決方案。我假設你只有一個隊列處理器,可能還有多個隊列編寫器。通過額外的工作,您可以調整文件隊列解決方案以支持多個隊列處理器。但是多個隊列處理器可能更容易使用我在my first answer末尾描述的基於文件夾的隊列實現。


該解決方案將當前狀態寫入status.txt文件。您可以通過從命令窗口發出TYPE STATUS.TXT來監控您的隊列處理器狀態。

我做了一些延遲擴展切換,以防止因數據中的!造成的損壞。如果您知道!永遠不會出現,那麼您可以簡單地將SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion移到頂部並放棄切換。

另一個優化 - 爲一組語句重新定向輸出只是一次,而不是爲每個語句打開和關閉文件的速度更快。



@echo off 
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion 
cd "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Scripting\" 


::Safely get a copy of the current queue, exit if none or error 
call :getQueue || exit /b 

::Get the number of lines in the queue to be used in status updates 
for /f %%n in ('find /v "" ^<inProcess.txt') do set /a "record=0, recordCount=%%n" 

::Main processing loop 
for /f "delims=" %%a in (inProcess.txt) do (

    rem :: Update the status. Need delayed expansion to access the current record number. 
    rem :: Need to toggle delayed expansion in case your data contains ! 
    setlocal enableDelayedExpansion 
    set /a "record+=1" 
    > status.txt echo processing !record! out of %recordCount% 

    rem :: Create SQL command 
    > reset.sql (
    echo USE dbname 
    echo EXEC dbo.sp_ResetSubscription @ClientName = '%%a' 
    echo EXEC dbo.sp_RunClientSnapshot @ClientName = '%%a' 

    rem :: Log this action and execute the SQL command 
    >> log.txt (
    echo #################### %date% - %time% #################################################### 
    echo Reinitialising '%%a' 
    sqlcmd -i "reset.sql" 
    echo #################################################################################################### 

::Clean up 
delete inProcess.txt 
delete status.txt 

::Look for more work 
goto :rerun 

2>nul (
    >queue.lock (
    if not exist queue.txt exit /b 1 
    if exist inProcess.txt (
     echo ERROR: Only one queue processor allowed at a time 
     exit /b 2 
    rename queue.txt inProcess.txt 
)||goto :getQueue 
exit /b 0 


::Whatever your code is 
::At some point you want to append a VALUE to the queue in a safe way 
call :appendQueue VALUE 
::continue on until done 
exit /b 

2>nul (
    >queue.lock (
    >>queue.txt echo %* 
)||goto :appendQueue 


::First redirect any error messages that occur within the outer block to nul 
2>nul (

    rem ::Next redirect all stdout within the inner block to queue.lock 
    rem ::No output will actually go there. But the file will be created 
    rem ::and this process will have a lock on the file until the inner 
    rem ::block completes. Any other process that tries to write to this 
    rem ::file will fail. If a different process already has queue.lock 
    rem ::locked, then this process will fail to get the lock and the inner 
    rem ::block will not execute. Any error message will go to nul. 
    >queue.lock (

    rem ::you can now safely manipulate your queue because you have an 
    rem ::exclusive lock. 
    >>queue.txt echo data 

    rem ::If some command within the inner block can fail, then you must 
    rem ::clear the error at the end of the inner block. Otherwise this 
    rem ::routine can get stuck in an endless loop. You might want to 
    rem ::add this to my code - it clears any error. 
    verify >nul 

) && (

    rem ::I've never done this before, but if the inner block succeeded, 
    rem ::then I think you can attempt to delete queue.lock at this point. 
    rem ::If the del succeeds then you know that no process has a lock 
    rem ::at this point. This could be useful if you are trying to monitor 
    rem ::the processes. If the del fails then that means some other process 
    rem ::has already grabbed the lock. You need to clear the error at 
    rem ::this point to prevent the endless loop 
    del queue.lock || verify >nul 


) || goto :retry 
:: If the inner block failed to get the lock, then the conditional GOTO 
:: activates and it loops back to try again. It continues to loop until 
:: the lock succeeds. Note - the :retry label must be above the outer- 
:: most block. 



哇,我可以說,出色的工作,你應得到這樣的獎勵,這是一個令人難以置信的工作量,我將通過這個工作,看看事情如何使用你的解決方案,但我的上帝,再次出色的工作!爲你明天+100! –


@MylesGray - 酷。這很好,值得讚賞,而賞金是一個意想不到的甜蜜獎金 - 假設我的答案得到的票數最多:)代碼並不難,因爲我在20世紀80年代做過一些基於文件系統的隊列工作。但解釋確實需要時間。 *注意* - 自第一次發佈以來,我在queueWriter(條件轉移)的最後添加了一個快速錯誤修復程序。 – dbenham


我可以儘早結束並無論如何都將獎勵給您 - 這就是我所期待的(需要24小時才能做到)。對於基於文件夾的解決方案,我認爲我只是交換文件夾中的inProcess.txt,queue.txt等? 你能解釋一下'2> nul(> queue.lock'的工作原理嗎? –


你是絕對正確的 - FOR/F循環等待IN()子句中的命令完成並在處理第1行之前緩存結果。如果您從IN()子句中的文件讀取而不是執行命令,情況也是如此。

您提出的在FOR循環之前統計隊列中行數,然後在FOR循環完成後重新計數的策略可能會在您停止FOR循環中的隊列內容時造成大量工作。如果最終計數大於原始值,您可以在FOR循環之前使用GOTO a:標籤,並跳過FOR循環中的原始計數,以便僅處理附加線。但是,如果某個進程在獲取行數時寫入隊列,或者在得到最終計數後但在刪除隊列之前將其追加到隊列中,您仍然會遇到併發問題。



2>nul (
    >lockName.lock (
    rem ::You now have an exclusive lock while you remain in this block of code 
    rem ::You can safely count the number of lines in a queue file, 
    rem ::or append lines to the queue file at this time. 
)||goto :getLock 

我演示瞭如何在Re: parallel process with batch上工作。按下鏈接後,向上滾動查看原始問題。這似乎是一個非常類似的問題,你的。



非常感謝你,但是我發現了一個更直接的方式(如果某件事在我的腳本中死去了),我會用你的想法與文件夾,但更好! –




@echo off 
cd "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Scripting\" 
echo words > busy.txt 

FOR /f "delims=" %%a in ('type queue.txt') DO (
IF NOT EXIST reset.sql (

::Create SQL command 
echo USE dbname> reset.sql 
echo EXEC dbo.sp_ResetSubscription @ClientName = '%%a'>> reset.sql 
echo EXEC dbo.sp_RunClientSnapshot @ClientName = '%%a'>> reset.sql 
echo #################### %date% - %time% ####################################################>> log.txt 
echo Reinitialising '%%a'>> log.txt 
sqlcmd -i "reset.sql">> log.txt 
echo. >> log.txt 
echo ####################################################################################################>> log.txt 
echo. >> log.txt 

type queue.txt | findstr /v %%a> new.txt 
type new.txt> queue.txt 
echo New list of laptops waiting:>> log.txt 
type queue.txt>> log.txt 
echo. >> log.txt 
echo ####################################################################################################>> log.txt 
echo. >> log.txt 

if exist reset.sql del /f /q reset.sql 
if exist late.txt (
type late.txt>> queue.txt 
del /f /q late.txt 
goto rerun 

if exist late.txt del /f /q late.txt 
if exist busy.txt del /f /q busy.txt 
if exist queue.txt del /f /q queue.txt 
if exist new.txt del /f /q new.txt 

此解決方案存在一些重大問題。請參閱我的[第二個答案](http://stackoverflow.com/a/9048097/1012053)獲取更多信息 – dbenham



FOR /f "delims=" %%a in ('type queue.txt') DO (
    IF NOT EXIST reset.sql (

    . . . 

    type queue.txt | findstr /v %%a> new.txt 
    rem Next line REPLACES the entire queue.txt file! 
    type new.txt> queue.txt 
    echo New list of laptops waiting:>> log.txt 

    . . . 

    if exist reset.sql del /f /q reset.sql 



call :ProcessQueue <queue.txt>> queue.txt 
goto :EOF 

    set line= 
    rem Next command read a line from queue.txt file: 
    set /P line= 
    if not defined line goto endProcessQueue 
    rem In following code use %line% instead of %%a 
    IF NOT EXIST reset.sql (

    . . . 

    type queue.txt | findstr /v %%a> new.txt 
    rem Next command ADD new lines to queue.txt file: 
    type new.txt 
    echo New list of laptops waiting:>> log.txt 

    . . . 

    if exist reset.sql del /f /q reset.sql 

goto ProcessQueue 
exit /B 




set i=0 
call :ProcessQueue <queue.txt>> queue.txt 
goto :EOF 

    set line= 
    set /P line= 
    if not defined line goto endProcessQueue 
    echo Line processed: %line% > CON 
    set /A i=i+1 
    if %i% == 1 echo First line added to queue.txt 
    if %i% == 2 echo Second line added to queue.txt 
goto ProcessQueue 
exit /B 


Original first line 
Original second line 
Original third line 
Original fourth line 


Line processed: Original first line 
Line processed: Original second line 
Line processed: Original third line 
Line processed: Original fourth line 
Line processed: First line added to queue.txt 
Line processed: Second line added to queue.txt 

我知道它替換了整個文件,該部分所做的是檢查'late.txt'對於任何新行添加它們到'new.txt',並將當前'queue.txt'文件添加到'new.txt',然後用'new.txt.'的內容覆蓋'queue.txt'。 –


@MylesGray:我剛纔注意到我的方法需要將_append_換行到'queue.txt'文件,而不是_replace_它。這個方法很有趣,因爲它完全避免了在讀取'queue.txt'文件的進程和任何其他進程之間的所有併發問題,並且它簡單快速。我添加了一個小例子,以便您可以看到我的方法可以執行的操作;該示例基於您的原始問題。 – Aacini