我在Java中編寫了一個小的排序程序,旨在獲取「學生」對象並確定其名稱,職業和課堂是依賴於參數和屬性。然而,當我嘗試創建第一個對象時,出現了一個問題。 迄今爲止,一切看起來是這樣的:Java構造函數:創建一個對象,短參數被解釋爲int
public class Student {
private String name, classroom;
* The career code is as follows, and I quote:
* 0 - Computer Science
* 1 - Mathematics
* 2 - Physics
* 3 - Biology
private short career, idNumber;
public Student (String name, short career, short idNumber){
this.name = name;
this.classroom = "none";
this.career = career;
this.idNumber = idNumber;
public static void main(String args[]){
Student Andreiy = new Student("Andreiy",0,0);
你能後的異常或錯誤的詳細信息? 'new Student(「Andreiy」,(short)0,(short)0);'或者在你的短號後面寫's':'new Student(「Andreiy」,0s,0s) – Dai
;' –
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477750/primitive-type-short-casting-in-java?rq=1 related – jozefg