2017-02-13 24 views

我創建JavaScript和jQuery的測驗。這幾乎是我想要的地方,但分數計數器似乎並不奏效。我認爲這可能是代碼執行順序的問題。我只是想添加一個到「分數」變量時的「價值」 vaiable(檢查哪個單選按鈕被選中)等於當前問題對象的答案值。更新JavaScript的測驗分數動態

$(document).ready(function() { 
    var i = -1; 
    var qNum = 0; 
    var score = 0; 

//display value upon radio button checked change - for debugging purposes 
$('.radbut').change(function() { 
    var value = ($('input[name="Q"]:checked').val()); 

     var value = ($('input[name="Q"]:checked').val()); //checks which radio button is checked and sets it to value 
     i += 1; 
     qNum += 1; 

     //display questions and variables 

     //add +1 to score if choice matches answer 
     if (value == allQuestions[i].answer) { 

var allQuestions = []; 

function question(question, choices, answer) { 
       this.question = question; 
       this.choices = choices; 
       this.answer = answer; 

var question1 = new question("Who is Sansa\'s mother?", ["Cercei", "Marjorie", "Catelin", "Lysa"], 3); 
var question2 = new question("Where are the Starks from?", ["Winterfell", "King's Landing", "Valyria", "Dorne"], 1); 
var question3 = new question("Who is the biggest asshole in this group?", ["Eddard", "Khaleesi", "Bran", "Geoffrey"], 4); 
var endSent = new question("End"); 

allQuestions.push(question1, question2, question3, endSent); 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script> 
    <title>Game of Thrones Trivia Quiz</title> 


<h3>"Please choose the correct answer for the question given. Do so promptly - winter is coming.</h3> 

<p id="questionLoc">Click "Next" to begin</p> 

    <input type="radio" name="Q" value= 1 class="radbut" /><span id="R1"></span> 
    <br /> 
    <input type="radio" name="Q" value= 2 class="radbut" /><span id="R2"></span> 
    <br /> 
    <input type="radio" name="Q" value= 3 class="radbut" /><span id="R3"></span> 
    <br /> 
    <input type="radio" name="Q" value= 4 class="radbut" /><span id="R4"></span> 
    <br /> 
    <br /> 
    <div id="next">Next</div> 
    <p id="qNum"></p><span>Question</span> 
    <p id="score"></p><span>score</span> 
    <p id="value"></p><span>value</span> 
    <p id="quesVal"></p><span>quesval</span> 





$(document).ready(function() { 
    var i = -1; 
    var qNum = 0; 
    var score = 0; 
    var toggleElements = $(".radbut, br, #next, #R1, #R2, #R3, #R4"); 

     var value = ($('input[name="Q"]:checked').prop('checked', false).val()); //checks which radio button is checked and sets it to value 
\t \t \t \t if (i >= 0) { 
      //add +1 to score if choice matches answer 
      if (value == allQuestions[i].answer) { 
     i += 1; 
     qNum += 1; 
     toggleElements[allQuestions[i].choices ? 'show' : 'hide'](); 

     //display questions and variables 
     if (allQuestions[i].choices) { 

var allQuestions = []; 

function question(question, choices, answer) { 
       this.question = question; 
       this.choices = choices; 
       this.answer = answer; 

var question1 = new question("Who is Sansa\'s mother?", ["Cercei", "Marjorie", "Catelin", "Lysa"], 3); 
var question2 = new question("Where are the Starks from?", ["Winterfell", "King's Landing", "Valyria", "Dorne"], 1); 
var question3 = new question("Who is the biggest asshole in this group?", ["Eddard", "Khaleesi", "Bran", "Geoffrey"], 4); 
var endSent = new question("End"); 

allQuestions.push(question1, question2, question3, endSent);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<p id="questionLoc">Click "Next" to begin</p> 

    <input type="radio" name="Q" value= 1 class="radbut" /><span id="R1"></span> 
    <br /> 
    <input type="radio" name="Q" value= 2 class="radbut" /><span id="R2"></span> 
    <br /> 
    <input type="radio" name="Q" value= 3 class="radbut" /><span id="R3"></span> 
    <br /> 
    <input type="radio" name="Q" value= 4 class="radbut" /><span id="R4"></span> 
    <br /> 
    <br /> 
    <div id="next">Next</div> 
    <p id="qNum"></p><span>Question</span> 
    <p id="score"></p><span>score</span> 
    <p id="value"></p><span>value</span> 
    <p id="quesVal"></p><span>quesval</span>


您還可能要繼續到下一個問題,我現在還編輯成我的答案時,取消目前的答案。 – Connum


再次更新以添加一些優化。我想這是僅用於演示樣機,但如果沒有,你應該保存,而不必再收集他們的例如點擊處理函數每次調用(通過jQuery選擇=元素)的jQuery集合到變量。 – Connum




因爲所有的代碼訪問的得分變量是insode準備處理,不能成爲問題,那麼爲什麼污染全球範圍內? – Connum


我不確定。我對編碼比較陌生,我只是想幫忙。如果你能解釋我提出的答案爲什麼不正確,我將不勝感激。我在嘗試學習。 – Layne


如果您確定自己的建議,最好給出答案。 ;-)正如我所解釋的那樣,這個變量也在正確的範圍內。除非必要,否則用全球變數污染全球範圍是不好的做法。 – Connum