當我嘗試使用Vivado HLS進行系統化時,我得到了有關不可合成類型的錯誤。我的項目是關於huffman編碼。使用HLS實現霍夫曼編碼c
@I [HLS-10] Starting code transformations ...
@I [HLS-10] Checking synthesizability ...
@E [SYNCHK-11] huff.c:17: Constant 'temp' has an unsynthesizable type '[13 x %struct.tnode.0.2.4]*' (possible cause(s): structure variable cannot be decomposed due to unsupported type conversion or memory copy operation).
@E [SYNCHK-11] huff.c:21: Constant 'ptemp' has an unsynthesizable type '[13 x %struct.tnode.0.2.4*]*' (possible cause(s): pointer to pointer or global pointer).
@E [SYNCHK-72] huff.c:24: unsupported c/c++ library function 'qsort'.
@E [SYNCHK-41] huff.c:38: unsupported pointer reinterpretation from type '%struct.tnode.0.2.4 = type { %struct.tnode.0.2.4*, %struct.t...' to type 'i8*' on variable 'ptemp'.
@E [SYNCHK-42] huff.c:47: pointer comparison is not supported.
@I [SYNCHK-10] 5 error(s), 0 warning(s).
@E [HLS-70] Synthesizability check failed.
@I [APCC-3] Tmp directory is apcc_db
@I [APCC-1] APCC is done.
@I [LIC-101] Checked in feature [VIVADO_HLS]
Generating csim.exe
@E Simulation failed: SIGSEGV.
@E [SIM-1] CSim failed with errors.
while executing
"source C:/Users/qijun/Desktop/Huff/hls/solution1/csim.tcl"
invoked from within
"hls::main C:/Users/qijun/Desktop/Huff/hls/solution1/csim.tcl"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel 1 hls::main {*}$args"
(procedure "hls_proc" line 5)
invoked from within
"hls_proc $argv"
@I [LIC-101] Checked in feature [VIVADO_HLS] **
附件包括我的「頂級功能」的代碼。我對HLS工具沒有經驗。有人可以幫我解決這個問題嗎?我們如何將數據結構包含在Vivado HLS的頂層函數中? 謝謝
如果您在導致問題的問題中添加了簡短的示例代碼,並且可能只關注單個問題,那將會很有幫助。 –