2017-07-15 32 views


this is the loop with the modal 



require 'connect.php'; 
require 'header.php'; 



    <!-- modal --> 

    <div class="modal fade print" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myLargeModalLabel"> 

    <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> 
     <div class="modal-content row" id="print"> 
      <img src="small.png"><br/> 
      #32 Adelabu Street,Uwani,Enugu<br/> 
      Phone: 08045454554 
     <table class="table table-bordered"> 
       <th>Customer Name</th> 
       <th>Product name</th> 
       <th>amount paid</th> 
      <tbody class="details"> 







    <div id="printarea"> 
    <table class="table table-bordered"> 

     <tbody class="details"> 
          $get_invoice = "SELECT * FROM invoice ORDER BY id DESC"; 
          $invoice_query = mysqli_query($connect,$get_invoice); 
          $invoice_rows = mysqli_num_rows($invoice_query); 
          while($full_rows=mysqli_fetch_array($invoice_query)) {?> 
      <!-- the php code inside the id bracket is supposed to generate a unique id for each loop--> 
      <td><input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $full_rows['identify']; ?>" id="but<?php echo $full_rows['name']; ?>"></td> 
      <?php echo $full_rows['date']; ?> 
      <?php echo $full_rows['name']; ?> 
      <?php echo $full_rows['goods_description']; ?> 
      <?php echo $full_rows['quantity']; ?> 
      <?php echo $full_rows['price']; ?> 
      <?php echo $full_rows['total']; ?> 
      <?php echo $full_rows['amount_paid']; ?> 

      <?php echo $full_rows['balance'] ?> 
      <td><input type="button" class="btn btn-success" value="print"></td> 
      <td><input type="button" value="delete" id="add" class="btn btn-danger"></td> 

      <!-- the unique id generated is passed inside the onclick function to target specific invoice in the modal--> 
      <td><button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" data-toggle="modaSS" data-target=".print" onclick="modal('but<?php echo $full_rows['name'];?>')" id="view">View</button></td> 


      <script type="text/javascript"> 
      function modal(invoice) { 
       var identify = $("[id^='but']").val(); 
       var dataString = 'identify=' + identify; 
       type: "POST", 
       url: "modal.php", 
       data: dataString, 
       //cache: false, 
       success: function(html) { 
       return false; 
     <?php } ?> 



this is the this is where the ajax request is been proccessed 



$identify = $_POST['identify']; 
//connecting to server and selecting database 
$connect = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','sidney'); 

if (isset($_POST['identify'])) { 
    $select = "SELECT * FROM `invoice` WHERE identify='$identify'"; 
    $query = mysqli_query($connect,$select); 
    $get_number = mysqli_fetch_array($query,MYSQLI_ASSOC); 
    if ($get_number) { 
    echo $get_number['identify']; 
    return $get_number['identify']; 
    echo "There was trouble locating the number"; 


請添加您的代碼,以便我們能夠以更好的方式提供實用幫助。 :) –


是真的,我剛更新它 – dmoxy


您可以使用數據屬性來獲取模式打開時的數據。 @dmoxy –




//Your Button HTML 
<button type="button" class="your_next_button_class btn btn-warning" 
data-name="<?php echo $full_rows['name'];?>" 
data-toggle="modaSS" data-target=".print" id="view">View</button> 

$('body').on('click', '.your_next_button_class', function(e) { 

    var name = $(this).data('name'); 
    //As abouve example you can get any data using data arrribute 
    // Now You can open a model on the same page you don't need to send data 

     type: "POST", 
     url: "modal.php", 
     data: dataString, 
     //cache: false, 
     success: function(response) { 
     // Here in response you get the $get_number['identify']; data. 

     //Now To Send this response to the model 
     // If you are adding this value to hidden input then 

     // Or you for display this in as text 

      // THis is how you open the model 


I a假設你的查詢的正確和有效的數據是成功的。


獲取詳細信息時的選擇查詢,謝謝。該模式現在工作正常 – dmoxy


你有什麼想法我可以使每個模態彈出與獨特的發票細節? – dmoxy


是的,我會在回答中編輯它。 –
