我有此刻的Chrome存在的問題奇特工作......這就是我要完成的:的JavaScript string.search無法在Chrome
T = Tab
G = Group within Tab
S = Sub-Group within Group
# = Numerical index
for example:
<tr id="T1"> = Tab 1
<td id="T1G3"> = Tab 1 , Group 3
<td id="T1G3S1"> = Tab 1, Group 3, Sub-Group 1
Pseudo and Definition:
Function DisableAll(string TagNamesCSArray, string RegExpContent)
Split the tag names provided into an array
- loop through the array and get all tags using document.getElementsByTagName() within page
-- if tags are found
--- loop through collection of tags/elements found
---- if the ID of the element is present, and MATCHES the RegExp in any way
----- disable that item
---- end if
--- end loop
-- end if
- end loop
function DisableAll(TagNames, RegExpStr)
//declare local vars
var tagarr = TagNames.split(",");
var collection1;
var IdReg = new RegExp(RegExpStr);
var i;
//loop through getting all the tags
for (i = 0; i < tagarr.length; i++)
collection1 = document.getElementsByTagName(tagarr[i].toString())
//loop through the collection of items found, if found
if (collection1)
for (y = 0; y < collection1.length; y++)
if (collection1[y].getAttribute("id") != null)
if (collection1[y].getAttribute("id").toString().search(IdReg) != -1)
collection1[y].disabled = true;
DisableAll("tr,td", "^T|^T[0-9]S");
看起來很簡單是嗎? 「Hannnn!」錯誤的答案蝙蝠俠......這工作完美,在所有瀏覽器中,除了Chrome ...現在爲什麼呢?我不明白。也許我的RegExp有問題?
謝謝...當你迴應了這個,我剛剛得知IE禁用元素不同於其他瀏覽器...例如:我需要禁用匹配的ID內的控件,而不是具有匹配的ID的控件......傷心......因爲這樣做在執行這樣的任務時非常有用......:S – MaxOvrdrv 2012-04-16 18:54:53