2015-08-18 54 views


TF10122: The path '$/$.core.js' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again. 
TF10122: The path '$/$.invoke.js' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again. 
TF10122: The path '$/$.partial.js' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again. 
TF10122: The path '$/$.to-object.js' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again. 
TF10122: The path '$/$.to-iobject.js' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again. 
TF10122: The path '$/$.object-to-array.js' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again. 

在什麼情況下,你得到這個錯誤?在構建過程中? –


當我在VS 2015的powershell窗口中運行像** jspm install aurelia **這樣的命令時,我看到了這些錯誤。 –


對於Core-JS(大部分Aurelia會遇到的問題),請注意bug:https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/129 希望在下一個主要版本中得到解決。 – Andrew







我無法控制這些,因爲這些是由** jspm **軟件包管理器下載到我的項目中的npm和GitHub模塊。 –


然後你唯一的解決方法是分別映射這些文件,以便服務器路徑沒有'$' –