2016-03-23 41 views

當我點擊提交按鈕時,它直接進入到php頁面。 JavaScript根本不加載。這很混亂,因爲我在控制檯中沒有收到錯誤,也沒有使用外部錯誤檢查器(如JShint)驗證javascript。 javascript在我的編碼中一直工作,所以我不知道爲什麼它停止工作。Javascript未執行。沒有控制檯錯誤,沒有驗證錯誤



$(document).ready(function() { 

    // listen for a click event on any radio element 

    $('input[type="radio"]').click(function() { 

     // get the id of the clicked element 
     var id = $(this).attr('id'); 

     // fade out any existing image elements 
     $('img').fadeOut(800, function() { 

      // fade in the image element with the id we're after, with a half second delay (500 milliseconds) 
      setTimeout(function() { 
       $('#' + id + 'i').fadeIn(800); 

      }, 500); 



function checkInput() { 

    var firstName = document.getElementById("fn"); 
    var lastName = document.getElementById("ln"); 
    var email = document.getElementById("email"); 
    var emailR = document.getElementById("emailR"); 
    var postal = document.getElementById("pc"); 
    var city = document.getElementById("city"); 
    var sA = document.getElementById("sA"); 
    var qN = document.getElementById("qty"); 
    var provy = document.getElementById("prov"); 
    var foc = false; 

    var error = ""; 

    var letters = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/; 
    var numbers = /^\d+$/; 
    var letNm = /^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[0-9])/; 

    //First-Name Validation 

    if (firstName.value == "" || firstName.value.length > 15 || firstName.value.length < 2 || !firstName.value.match(letters)) { 
     error += "\n Please enter a valid first name."; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 

    //Last-Name Validation 

    if (lastName.value == "" || lastName.value.length > 15 || lastName.value.length < 2 || !lastName.value.match(letters)) { 
     error += "\n Please enter a valid last name"; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 

    //street Address 
    if (sA.value == "" || sA.value.length < 6 || sA.value.length > 30 || !sA.value.match(letNm)) { 
     error += "\n Please enter a valid street address (must contain letters and numbers, \n and be more than 6 less than 30 chars) "; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 

    //City Validation 
    if (city.value == "" || city.value.length > 20 || city.value.length < 2 || !city.value.match(letters)) { 
     error += "\n Please enter a valid city (more than 2 characters, less than 20, all letters)"; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 



    //Province Validation 
    var select = provy.options[provy.selectedIndex].value; 
    if (select == "s") { 
     error += "\n Please choose a province"; 

     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 



    //Email Validation 

    var ei = email.value.lastIndexOf('@'); 
    var dot = email.value.lastIndexOf('.'); 

    if (email.value == "" || email.value.length < 7 || email.value.length > 50 || ei == -1 || dot == -1 || dot < ei + 2) { 

     error += "\n Please enter a valid email address \n  (must have an \"@\" symbol followed by a \".\")"; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 
    } else if (emailR.value != email.value) { 
     error += "\n Your email addresses did not match"; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 

    //Postal Code Validation 

    var pi = postal.value.lastIndexOf(" "); 
    var code = /^[A-Za-z]\d[A-Za-z][ -]?\d[A-Za-z]\d$/; 

    if (postal.value == "" || postal.value.length != 7 || !postal.value.match(code) || pi != 3) { 
     error += "\n Please enter a valid Canadian postal code. E.g. \"N3H 1M1\" "; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 

    //Album selection Validation 
    var jay = document.getElementsById("jayz"); 

    if (!isOneChecked(jay)) { 
     error += "\n Please choose an album to purchase"; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 

    //quantity validation 

    if (qN.value == "" || qN.value > 99 || qN.value < 1 || !qN.value.match(numbers)) { 
     error += "\n Please enter a quantity between 1-99"; 
     if (foc == false) { 
      foc = true; 


    //error validation:error2 boolean returns either true or false 
    var error2 = false; 

    if (foc == false) { 
     alert("Thank you for signing up!"); 
     error2 = true; 
    } else { 
     error2 = false; 
    return error2; 


//function that trims and converts string to properCase 
function properCaseTrim(string) { 
    var str = string.length; 

    for (var i = 0; i < str; i++) { 
     var letter = string.charAt(i); 
     if (letter == " ") { 
      string = string.replace(/^\s\s*/, ''); // Remove Preceding white space 
      string = string.replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); // Remove Trailing white space 
     string = string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); 

    return string; 

function isOneChecked() { 
    // All <input> tags... 
    var chx = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); 
    for (var i = 0; i < chx.length; i++) { 
     // Return true from the function on first match of a checked item 
     if (chx[i].type == 'radio' && chx[i].checked) { 
      return true; 
    // End of the loop, return false 
    return false; 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
     <title>Assignment #4</title> 
     <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/favi.ico" /> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/main.css"/> 
     <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery-1.12.1.js"></script> 
     <script type ="text/javascript" src="javascript/function.js"></script> 

      <h1>Jay-Z Albums</h1> 
     <fieldset id = "field1"> 
      <legend>Shipping Info</legend> 
      <p id ="p">All Fields Are Mandatory </p> 
      <form method = "post" name= "user creation form" onsubmit="return checkInput();" action = "php/validate.php"> 
       First name<br> 
       <input type="text" name="firstName" id ="fn" onblur="this.value = properCaseTrim(this.value)" value= "" autofocus><br> 
       Last name<br> 
       <input type="text" name="lastName" id = "ln" onblur="this.value = properCaseTrim(this.value)" value= ""><br> 
       Street Address<br> 
       <input type="text" name="streetAddress" id = "sA" placeholder="123 Main St." onblur="this.value = properCaseTrim(this.value)" value= "" ><br> 
        City <br> 
        <input type="text" name="city" id="city" onblur="this.value = properCaseTrim(this.value)" value= ""> 
       Province <br> 
       <select name ="prov" id ="prov"> 
        <option value = "s">-select-</option> 
        <option value="Alberta">Alberta</option> 
        <option value="British Columbia">British Columbia</option> 
        <option value="Manitoba">Manitoba</option> 
        <option value="New Brunswick">New Brunswick</option> 
        <option value="Newfoundland and Labrador">Newfoundland and Labrador</option> 
        <option value="Nova Scoti">Nova Scotia</option> 
        <option value="Ontario">Ontario</option> 
        <option value="Prince Edward Island">Prince Edward Island</option> 
        <option value="Quebec">Quebec</option> 
        <option value="Saskatchewan">Saskatchewan</option> 
        <option value="Northwest Territories">Northwest Territories</option> 
        <option value="Nunavut">Nunavut</option> 
        <option value="Yukon">Yukon</option> 
        Postal Code <br> 
        <input type="text" name="pc" id="pc" placeholder="A1A 1A1" onblur="this.value = this.value.toUpperCase(); this.value = properCaseTrim(this.value)" value= ""> <br> 
        Email Address<br> 
        <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value= ""> <br> 
        Repeat Email Address <br> 
        <input type="text" name="emailR" id="emailR" value= "" > <br> 
      <fieldset id = "field3"> 
       <legend>Order </legend> 
       <p> One Album Per Order</p> 
       <p> Prices shown are without tax </p> 
       <input type = "radio" name ="jayz" value="rDbt" id= "rD">[1996]Reasonable Doubt-$25 <br> 
       <input type = "radio" name ="jayz" value="bPrint" id= "bP1">[2001]The Blueprint-$10<br> 
       <input type = "radio" name ="jayz" value="bPrint2" id = "bP2">[2002]The Blueprint 2-$15<br> 
       <input type = "radio" name ="jayz" value="kCome" id ="kC">[2006]Kingdom Come-$10<br> 
       <input type = "radio" name ="jayz" value="bPrint3" id ="bP3">[2009]The Blueprint 3-$25<br> 
       <input type = "radio" name ="jayz" value="mCarta" id ="mC">[2013]Magna Carta Holy Grail-$30<br> 
       <div id="q"> 
        # of Albums: 
        <input type="text" name="quant" id="qty"> 
       <div id = "divvy"> 
        <img class = "hidden" src="images/rDoubt.jpg" alt="Reasonable Doubt" height="400px" width="400px" id= "rDi"> 
        <img class = "hidden" src="images/bPrint.jpg" alt="the Blueprint" height="400px" width="400px" id= "bP1i"> 
        <img class = "hidden" src="images/bPrint2.jpg" alt="the Blueprint 2" height="400px" width="400px" id = "bP2i"> 
        <img class = "hidden" src="images/kCome.jpg" alt="Kingdom Come" height="400px" width="400px" id ="kCi"> 
        <img class = "hidden" src="images/bPrint3.jpg" alt="the Blueprint 3" height="400px" width="400px" id ="bP3i"> 
        <img class = "hidden" src="images/mCarta.jpg" alt="Magna Carta" height="400px" width="400px" id ="mCi"> 
      <input id="button" type="submit" value="Submit Order" > 

第一個'fieldset'屬於'form'內部,不在它之前。 – Blazemonger




<script type ="text/javascript" src="javascript/function.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery-1.12.1.js"></script> 



我做到了JavaScript仍然無法運行:/ –


也許緩存?嘗試在Windows上點擊Cmd + R(mac)或Ctrl + R。 – Bajal


那的<input type="submit"/>默認行爲,你必須覆蓋它:

    //do your JS processing here, call a function and finally make an AJAX request 

