「不能保存所有的屬性設置此Web部件的 默認命名空間。」 http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2「爲基礎的Web部件性能 保留命名空間的自定義。 Web部件 屬性需要唯一的名稱空間(通過屬性上的 XmlElementAttribute或 類中的XmlRootAttribute指定)。「無法保存所有的此Web部件的屬性設置 - SharePoint功能
這是將自定義屬性添加到我的webpart時,爲什麼我不能保存屬性,當我編輯我的webpart並點擊保存/應用? (當時我得到這個錯誤)
代碼 -
[DefaultProperty("Text"), ToolboxData("<{0}:CustomPropertyWebPart runat=server></{0}:CustomPropertyWebPart>"),
XmlRoot(Namespace = "ExecuteStoreProc")]
public class CustomPropertyWebPart : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart
const string c_MyStringDefault = "Sample String";
// Create a custom category in the property sheet.
[Category("Custom Properties")]
// Assign the default value.
// Property is available in both Personalization
// and Customization mode.
// The caption that appears in the property sheet.
[FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom String")]
// The tool tip that appears when pausing the mouse pointer over
// the friendly name in the property pane.
[Description("Type a string value.")]
// Display the property in the property pane.
[XmlElement(ElementName = "MyString")]
// The accessor for this property.
public string MyString
return _myString;
_myString = value;