2014-04-07 111 views



import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 
import java.io.PrintWriter; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.InputMismatchException; 
import java.util.Scanner; 


public class Main { 

* @param args the command line arguments 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
    Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); 
    ArrayList<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<>(); 
    int counter; 
    boolean continueInput; 
    int contCounter; 
    do { 
     do { 
      System.out.print("Please enter what you want to do-ADD, REMOVE, SORT, LIST, or SAVE: "); 
      switch (stdin.next().toLowerCase()) { 
       case "add": 
        add(stdin, studentList); 
        counter = 0; 
       case "remove": 
        remove(studentList, stdin); 
        counter = 0; 
       case "list": 
        counter = 0; 
       case "save": 
        String fileName = getFileName(stdin); 
        save(fileName, studentList); 
        counter = 0; 
       case "sort": 
        counter = 0; 
        System.out.println("Improper input, please enter only ADD, REMOVE, LIST, or SAVE."); 
        counter = 1; 
     } while (counter == 1); 
     do { 
      System.out.print("\nDo you want to continue? Yes or no: "); 
      switch (stdin.next().toLowerCase()) { 
       case "yes": 
        contCounter = 0; 
        continueInput = true; 
       case "no": 
        contCounter = 0; 
        continueInput = false; 
        contCounter = 1; 
        continueInput = false; 
        System.out.print("\nPlease only enter 'yes' or 'no'."); 
     } while (contCounter == 1); 
    } while (continueInput); 
} // end main method 

public static void add(Scanner stdin, ArrayList<Student> studentList) { 
    String firstName; 
    String lastName; 
    String uid; 
    StudentType studentType; 
    ClassStanding studentClassStanding; 
    Major major; 
    double overallGPA; 
    double majorGPA; 
    String majorProfessor; 
    boolean thesisOption; 
    System.out.print("Please enter the student's first name: "); 
    String tempName = stdin.next(); 
    firstName = checkName(tempName); 
    System.out.print("Please enter the student's last name: "); 
    tempName = stdin.next(); 
    lastName = checkName(tempName); 
    System.out.println("Please enter the student's UID in the format 'U####' or 'U#####': "); 
    String tempUID = stdin.next(); 
    uid = checkUID(tempUID).toUpperCase(); 
    int count; 
    do { 
     System.out.print("Please enter the student's status as UNDECLARED, UNDERGRADUATE, or GRADUATE: "); 
     switch (stdin.next().toUpperCase()) { 
      case "UNDECLARED": 
       studentType = StudentType.UNDECLARED; 
       studentClassStanding = setStudentClassStanding(studentType); 
       count = 0; 
       Student student = new Student(firstName, lastName, 
         uid, studentType, studentClassStanding); 
      case "UNDERGRADUATE": 
       studentType = StudentType.UNDERGRADUATE; 
       major = setMajor(); 
       studentClassStanding = setStudentClassStanding(studentType); 
       System.out.println("Enter the student's overall GPA below."); 
       overallGPA = setGPA(); 
       System.out.println("Enter the student's major GPA below."); 
       majorGPA = setGPA(); 
       count = 0; 
       UnderGraduate underGraduate = new UnderGraduate(firstName, lastName, uid, studentType, 
         studentClassStanding, major, overallGPA, majorGPA); 
      case "GRADUATE": 
       studentType = StudentType.GRADUATE; 
       studentClassStanding = setStudentClassStanding(studentType); 
       majorProfessor = setMajorProfessor(); 
       thesisOption = setThesisOption(); 
       count = 0; 
       Graduate graduate = new Graduate(firstName, lastName, uid, studentType, 
         studentClassStanding, majorProfessor, thesisOption); 
       System.out.println("Please enter either Undeclared, Undergraduate, or Graduate only."); 
       count = 1; 
    } while (count == 1); 
} // end add method 

public static String checkName(String tempName) { 
    int a = 1; 
    String name1;   
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 
    do { 
     name1 = tempName; // hold the value of firstName in name1 
     for (int i = 0; i < tempName.length(); i++) { // loop to check input consists of letters (is a name) 
      if (!Character.isLetter(tempName.charAt(i))) { // if non-letters detected, ensure this was intentional 
       System.out.println("Please ensure you've entered the correct name. Re-enter the name or enter 'continue' to proceed: "); 
       tempName = scanner.nextLine(); 
       if (tempName.equalsIgnoreCase("continue")) { // if user enters "continue", use original input 
        a = 0; 
        tempName = name1; // pass name1 value to firstName 
       } else { 
        a = 1; // continue prompting for firstName 
      } else { // accept input 
       a = 0; 
    } while (a == 1); // loop to ensure proper input 
    return tempName; 
} // end checkName method 

public static String checkUID(String tempUID) { 
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); 
    int a; 
    do { 
     if (tempUID.charAt(0) == 'U' || tempUID.charAt(0) == 'u') { 
      if (tempUID.length() == 6 || tempUID.length() == 5) { 
       a = 0; 
      } else { 
       a = 1; 
       System.out.print("Please ensure input is in the form of U#### or U#####. Please re-enter the UID: "); 
       tempUID = scan.next(); 
     } else { 
       a = 1; 
       System.out.print("Please ensure input is in the form of U#### or U#####. Please re-enter the UID: "); 
       tempUID = scan.next(); 
    } while (a == 1); 
    return tempUID; 
} // end checkUID method 

public static ClassStanding setStudentClassStanding(StudentType studentType) { 
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); 
    int count; 
    ClassStanding studentTempClassStanding = null; 
    do { 
     if (studentType == StudentType.UNDECLARED || studentType == StudentType.UNDERGRADUATE) { 
     System.out.print("Please enter the student's class standing as either Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Unknown: "); 
     switch (scan.next().toUpperCase()) { 
      case "FRESHMAN": 
       studentTempClassStanding = ClassStanding.FRESHMAN; 
       count = 0; 
      case "SOPHOMORE": 
       studentTempClassStanding = ClassStanding.SOPHOMORE; 
       count = 0; 
      case "JUNIOR": 
       studentTempClassStanding = ClassStanding.JUNIOR; 
       count = 0; 
      case "SENIOR": 
       studentTempClassStanding = ClassStanding.SENIOR; 
       count = 0; 
      case "UNKNOWN": 
       studentTempClassStanding = ClassStanding.UNKNOWN; 
       count = 0; 
       System.out.println("Please enter only Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Unknown."); 
       count = 1; 
     } else { 
       System.out.print("Please enter the student's class standing as either 'Masters' for Masters Studies or 'PhD' for PhD Studies: "); 
       switch (scan.next().toUpperCase()) { 
        case "MASTERS": studentTempClassStanding = ClassStanding.MASTERS_STUDIES; count = 0; break; 
        case "PHD": studentTempClassStanding = ClassStanding.PHD_STUDIES; count = 0; break; 
        default: System.out.println("Please enter only 'Masters' or 'PhD'."); 
       count = 1; 
    } while (count == 1); 
    return studentTempClassStanding; 
} // end setStudentClassStanding method 

public static Major setMajor() { 
    Major tempMaj = null; 
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); 
    int c; 
    do { 
     System.out.print("Please enter the student's major as either CS, CEG, EE, ISE, BME, ME, MET, or Unknown: "); 
     switch (s.next().toUpperCase()) { 
      case "CS": 
       tempMaj = Major.CS; 
       c = 0; 
      case "CEG": 
       tempMaj = Major.CEG; 
       c = 0; 
      case "EE": 
       tempMaj = Major.EE; 
       c = 0; 
      case "ISE": 
       tempMaj = Major.ISE; 
       c = 0; 
      case "BME": 
       tempMaj = Major.BME; 
       c = 0; 
      case "ME": 
       tempMaj = Major.ME; 
       c = 0; 
      case "MET": 
       tempMaj = Major.MET; 
       c = 0; 
      case "UNKOWN": 
       tempMaj = Major.UNKNOWN; 
       c = 0; 
       System.out.println("Please enter only the specified values. "); 
       c = 1; 
    } while (c == 1); 
    return tempMaj; 
} // end setMajor method 

public static double setGPA() { 
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); 
    double gpa; 
    int a; 
    do { 
      try { 
       System.out.print("Please enter the student's GPA: "); 
       gpa = s.nextDouble();// read in the gpa 
       if (gpa < 0.0 || gpa > 4.0) { // ensure the gpa is in the correct range 
        System.out.println("Invalid input, please enter a positive value between 0.0 and 4.0."); 
        a = 1; 
       } else { 
        a = 0; 
      } catch (InputMismatchException ex) { //catch any exceptions, prompt for correct input 
       a = 1; 
       gpa = 0.0; 
       System.out.println("Sorry, please enter a double value."); 
       s.nextLine(); // skip the last input 
     } while (a == 1 || gpa < 0.0 || gpa > 4.0); //loop while gpa is negative or incorrect input is received 
    return gpa; 
} // end setGPA method 

private static String setMajorProfessor() { 
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); 
    String prof; 
    System.out.print("Please enter the name of the major professor: "); 
    String tempName = s.nextLine(); 
    prof = checkName(tempName); 
    return prof; 
} // end setMajorProfessor method 

private static boolean setThesisOption() { 
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); 
    boolean thesis = false; 
    int a; 
    do { 
    System.out.print("Please enter 'yes' if a thesis will be written, otherwise enter 'no': "); 
    switch (s.next().toUpperCase()) { 
     case "YES": thesis = true; a = 0; break; 
     case "NO": thesis = false; a = 0; break; 
     default: System.out.println("Please enter only 'yes' or 'no'."); a = 1; 
    } while (a == 1); 
    return thesis; 
} // end setThesisOption method 

private static void list(ArrayList<Student> studentList) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < studentList.size(); i++) { 
} // end list method 

public static String getFileName(Scanner stdin) { 
    System.out.print("Please enter the file name: "); // Prompt for input 
    String fileString = stdin.next(); 
    return fileString; // Pass the fileString var to the main method 
}//end of getFileName method 

private static void save(String fileName, ArrayList<Student> studentList) { 
    int a; // create a counter 
    Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); 
    do { 
     try { 
      PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileName); // Create a printwriter 
      for (int i = 0; i < studentList.size(); i++) { 
       writer.print(studentList.get(i).toString() + "\n"); //Print the arraylist to file 
      writer.close(); //Close the printwriter and save the file 
      a = 0; 
     } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // Catch any exceptions 
      System.out.println("The file could not be found, please re-enter the file name: "); // get new file name if an exception is thrown 
      fileName = stdin.nextLine(); 
      a = 1; 
    } while (a == 1); // loop while exceptions are thrown 
    System.out.println("All information has been saved at " + fileName); // output that the arraylist has been saved in the specified file 
    // Make the following its own method 
    System.out.print("Would you like to read the contents of the file? Yes or no: "); 
    int b; 
    do { 
    switch (stdin.next().toLowerCase()) { 
     case "yes": readFromFile(fileName); b = 0; break; 
     case "no": b = 0; break; 
     default: System.out.println("Please enter only yes or no."); b = 1; 
    } while (b == 1); 
} // end save method 

private static void remove(ArrayList<Student> studentList, Scanner stdin) { 
    System.out.print("Please enter the UID of the student to be removed: "); 
    String tempUID = stdin.next(); 
    String uidRemove = checkUID(tempUID); 
    for (int i = 0; i < studentList.size(); i++) { 
     if ((studentList.get(i).getUid()).equalsIgnoreCase(uidRemove)) { 
    System.out.println("The student with UID " + uidRemove + " has been removed."); 
} // end remove method 

private static void sort(ArrayList<Student> studentList) { 
    String uidLessU1; 
    String uidLessU2; 
    for (int i = 0; i < studentList.size(); i++) { 
     uidLessU1 = (studentList.get(i).getUid()).substring(1, studentList.get(i).getUid().length()); 
     for (int j = 0; j < studentList.size(); j++) { 
      uidLessU2 = (studentList.get(j).getUid()).substring(1, studentList.get(j).getUid().length()); 
      if (Integer.parseInt(uidLessU1) < Integer.parseInt(uidLessU2)) { 
       Student hold = studentList.get(i); 
       studentList.set(i, studentList.get(j)); 
       studentList.set(j, hold); 
} // end sort method 

private static void readFromFile(String fileName) { 
    System.out.println("The contents of " + fileName + " as read from NotePad: "); 
    try { 
     Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); //Create a scanner 
     while (fileReader.hasNextLine()) { //Loop to read the file 
      String fromFile = fileReader.nextLine(); 
      System.out.println(fromFile); //Output the file contents 
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { //Catch any exceptions 
     System.out.println("Exception caught"); 
} // end readFromFile method 
} // end main class 


Do you want to continue? Yes or no: yes 
Please enter what you want to do-ADD, REMOVE, SORT, LIST, or SAVE: list 

Student s w whose UID is U3333 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student p o whose UID is U1111 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student p u whose UID is U44444 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student w e whose UID is U4444 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student s r whose UID is U2222 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student s u whose UID is U7777 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student po iu whose UID is U77777 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Do you want to continue? Yes or no: yes 
Please enter what you want to do-ADD, REMOVE, SORT, LIST, or SAVE: sort //calls the sort method 

Do you want to continue? Yes or no: yes 
Please enter what you want to do-ADD, REMOVE, SORT, LIST, or SAVE: list // calls the list method and prints out the arraylist 

Student p o whose UID is U1111 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student s r whose UID is U2222 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student s w whose UID is U3333 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student s u whose UID is U7777 is a //why is this out of place? 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student w e whose UID is U4444 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student p u whose UID is U44444 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 

Student po iu whose UID is U77777 is a 
UNDECLARED student doing JUNIOR work. 



