eval_current <- function(expr, envir=parent.frame(), timeout=60){
#set the timeout
setTimeLimit(elapsed=timeout, transient=TRUE);
#currently loaded packages
currentlyattached <- search();
currentlyloaded <- loadedNamespaces();
#reset time limit
setTimeLimit(cpu=Inf, elapsed=Inf, transient=FALSE);
#try to detach packages that were attached during eval
nowattached <- search();
todetach <- nowattached[!(nowattached %in% currentlyattached)];
for(i in seq_along(todetach)){
try(detach(todetach[i], unload=TRUE, character.only=TRUE, force=TRUE));
#try to unload packages that are still loaded
nowloaded <- loadedNamespaces();
tounload <- nowloaded[!(nowloaded %in% currentlyloaded)];
for(i in seq_along(tounload)){
eval(expr, envir)
> eval_current({library(ggplot2); qplot(rnorm(100));})
Error in unloadNamespace(tounload[i]) :
namespace ‘colorspace’ is imported by ‘munsell’ so cannot be unloaded
Error in unloadNamespace(tounload[i]) :
namespace ‘dichromat’ is imported by ‘scales’ so cannot be unloaded
Error in unloadNamespace(tounload[i]) :
namespace ‘grid’ is imported by ‘gtable’ so cannot be unloaded
Error in unloadNamespace(tounload[i]) :
namespace ‘labeling’ is imported by ‘scales’ so cannot be unloaded
Error in unloadNamespace(tounload[i]) :
namespace ‘munsell’ is imported by ‘scales’ so cannot be unloaded
我會'killall R; R'來代替。進程很便宜。 –
哈哈是的,這已經是一個特定於Windows的解決方案。在unix上,我們可以確實使用臨時叉。 – Jeroen
對於每一分鐘你花在一個Windows疣周圍的工程,$ Deity殺死一隻小貓。只是不要這樣做。 –