2015-09-16 79 views




<title>Ultimate 5K Arena Challenge</title> 
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<td width="599;"><a href="http://ultimate5k.mabeecenter.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://mabeecenter.com/ultimate5k/storage/Eblast/Student%20Instructions/Assets/header.jpg"></a></td> 
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<p><em><small>Please pass this on to other students!</small></em></p> 
<h2>Oral Roberts University 50th Anniversary</h2> 
<h1>Ultimate 5K Arena Challenge</h1> 
<h3>Saturday, October 24, 2015 @ 8:30 AM</h3> 
<h4 class="orange">HPE Extra Credit Available for ORU Students!</h4> 
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<p>If you haven't yet heard, our traditional Fun Run has partnered with the ORU 50th Anniversary Ultimate 5K Arena Challenge! This is a real community 5K race that we're encouraging all students to participate in. Just like in years past, you will be able to receive <strong class="orange">EXTRA CREDIT</strong> in participating HPE courses for completing this year's race.</p> 
<p>There are a few minor changes that we'd like to make you aware of: 
<br /><ol> 
<li>You may register online now at <a href="http://ultimate5k.mabeecenter.com/" target="_blank">Ultimate5K.MabeeCenter.com</a></li> 
<li class="orange">To receive the student discount, you must use password: <span class="underline">funrun</span></li> 
<li>Alternatively, you may download our student cash-only form from our <a href="http://ultimate5k.mabeecenter.com/students/" target="_blank">Students page</a> and register in person at the Mabee Center Ticket Office from September 14th to October 16th (M-F, 10 AM - 5 PM). For more registration information, please visit our <a href="http://ultimate5k.mabeecenter.com/event/" target="_blank">Event Info page</a>.</li> 
<li>You may also obtain our cash-only form from the Health, Leisure, and Sport Science Department at the Aerobics Center</li> 
<li>Just like a real community 5K, packet and T-shirt pickup will begin the week prior to the event (Oct. 17-23). Don't worry, we'll remind you via email!</li> 
<p>If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your HPE instructor or refer to <a href="http://ultimate5k.mabeecenter.com/" target="_blank">Ultimate5K.MabeeCenter.com</a></p> 
<p>By the way, don't forget to smile when you cross the finish line - you'll be on our Jumbo Mabee Vision Screen! Also, your race results will be available online immediately at <a href="http://ultimate5k.mabeecenter.com/" target="_blank">Ultimate5K.MabeeCenter.com</a>. We look forward to seeing you at the race!</p> 
<h4>Dr. Fritz Huber, Chair of Health, Leisure, and Sport Science Department</h4> 
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<td width="599;"><a href="http://ultimate5k.mabeecenter.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://mabeecenter.com/ultimate5k/storage/Eblast/Student%20Instructions/Assets/footer.jpg"></a></td> 



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This is a good starting point


我認爲這是訣竅,感謝Henkealg! – drewhagni


很好,你解決了它。請將答案標記爲已接受以結束該問題。 – Henkealg
