2012-12-11 116 views






<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<!-- DWXMLSource="STX049 Course Catalog Parsed_FINAL.xml" --> 
<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet> 
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> 
    <xsl:output method="xml" indent="no"/> 

    <xsl:key name="degrees-by-title" match="Section" use="ICCB1"/> 

    <xsl:template match="CrystalReport/Group"> 

      <xsl:for-each select="Section[count(. | key('degrees-by-title', ICCB1)[1]) = 1]"> 
       <xsl:sort select="ACADPROGRAMSID1"/> 
         <xsl:value-of select="ACPGDEGREE1"/> 
        <xsl:text> DEGREE</xsl:text> 
         <xsl:value-of select="CCD11"/> 
        <xsl:text> CERTIFICATE 
         <xsl:value-of select="ACPGCOMMENTS1"/> 
        <xsl:text>ICCB Code</xsl:text> 
         <xsl:value-of select="ICCB1"/> 
        <xsl:text> | Field of Study  Code: </xsl:text> 
         <xsl:value-of select="ACADPROGRAMSID1"/> 
        <xsl:text>Program Requirements</xsl:text> 
        <xsl:for-each select="key('degrees-by-title', ICCB1)"> 
         <xsl:sort select="DEPARTMENT12"/> 
         <xsl:sort select="CRSNO1"/> 
            <xsl:value-of select="DEPARTMENT12"/> 
            <xsl:value-of select="CRSNO1"/> 
            <xsl:value-of select="CRSTITLE11"/> 
            <xsl:value-of select="CRSMINCRED1"/> 




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <Group Level="3"> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Managerial Accounting</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Federal Taxation I</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Intermediate Accounting I</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Intermediate Accounting II</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Cost Accounting</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Introduction to Business</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Macroeconomics and the Global Economy</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Financial Accounting</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
    <Section SectionNumber="0"> 
     <ACPGCOMMENTS1>The Accounting program is designed to provide the theoretical and practical background necessary for supervisory and administrative careers in accounting and accounting-related areas. This degree requires a minimum of 64 credits in program requirements, program electives, and general education as listed below.</ACPGCOMMENTS1> 
     <CRSTITLE11>Business Ethics</CRSTITLE11> 
     <ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1>General Education - 12 to 16 (In addition to those listed above) Total Credits Required - 64 to 70</ACPGHOMELANGNOTREQDRSN1> 
     <Section SectionNumber="0"/> 

請張貼XML實時樣本一次..這不僅保持業務機密還幫助其他成員瞭解您的要求並做出相應的迴應。 –


如果可能,請發佈sample-compact XML和期望的輸出XML(手 - 編碼肯定)!這將引導你更快地解決其他成員.. –


這是一個較小的樣本。但我會盡量讓他們在未來變小。 –




<xsl:template match="/"> 


If <ACPGDEGREE1> contains data, I want to insert the data and add the text "DEGREE" after it. If <CCD11> contains data, I want to ignore the data but insert the text "CERTIFICATE". 


<xsl:template match="ACPGDEGREE1[child::node()]"> 
    <xsl:value-of select="."/> 
    <xsl:text> DEGREE</xsl:text> 

<xsl:template match="CCD11[child::node()]"> 
    <xsl:text> CERTIFICATE</xsl:text> 



你是對的。我完全理解XSLT有一個問題。你知道一本好書或者教程會有幫助嗎? –


是的 - 我寫了一個。搜索「XSLT 2.0程序員參考」 –


@JimMaivald,Michael Kay是最好的作家之一!檢查這個帖子你會發現很多參考! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1858345/xsltwhich-is-the-best-tutorial-you-would-like-to-recommend –