/// <summary>
/// This class will fill in the fields of the type passed in from the config file because it's looking for annotations on the type
/// </summary>
public class StrongConfiguration<T> where T: class
// this is read only
public T AppSettings { get; private set; }
public StrongConfiguration()
AppSettings = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
// find properties in this type that have the ConfigAttribute attribute on them
var props = from p in AppSettings.GetType().GetProperties()
let attr = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ConfigAttribute), true)
where attr.Length == 1
select new { Property = p, Attribute = attr.First() as ConfigAttribute };
// find the config setting from the ConfigAttribute value on each property and set it's value casting to the propeties type
foreach (var p in props)
var appSettingName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[p.Attribute.ConfigName];
var value = Convert.ChangeType(appSettingName, p.Property.PropertyType);
p.Property.SetValue(AppSettings, value);
// todo: I want to set this propety now as read-only so they can't change it but not sure how
這是你可能想使用'Emit'並將其代理出來的地方。你不能在運行時修改元數據...... – code4life
從來沒有聽說過Emit,但它看起來像一個全新的世界。我會深入挖掘。 – user441521
反對的任何理由?我做錯了什麼?很高興知道以供將來參考。 – user441521