2016-11-21 93 views


我已經內置到我的主題木材Ajax的購物車,但由於某些原因,車不更新當您在抽屜中點擊「+」或「 - 」時的數量。


    Ajax the add to cart experience by revealing it in a side drawer 
    Plugin Documentation - http://shopify.github.io/Timber/#ajax-cart 
    (c) Copyright 2015 Shopify Inc. Author: Carson Shold (@cshold). All Rights Reserved. 

    This file includes: 
    - Basic Shopify Ajax API calls 
    - Ajax cart plugin 

    This requires: 
    - jQuery 1.8+ 
    - handlebars.min.js (for cart template) 
    - modernizer.min.js 
    - snippet/ajax-cart-template.liquid 

    Customized version of Shopify's jQuery API 
    (c) Copyright 2009-2015 Shopify Inc. Author: Caroline Schnapp. All Rights Reserved. 
if ((typeof ShopifyAPI) === 'undefined') { ShopifyAPI = {}; } 

    API Helper Functions 
function attributeToString(attribute) { 
    if ((typeof attribute) !== 'string') { 
    attribute += ''; 
    if (attribute === 'undefined') { 
     attribute = ''; 
    return jQuery.trim(attribute); 

    API Functions 
ShopifyAPI.onCartUpdate = function(cart) { 
    // alert('There are now ' + cart.item_count + ' items in the cart.'); 

ShopifyAPI.updateCartNote = function(note, callback) { 
    var params = { 
    type: 'POST', 
    url: '/cart/update.js', 
    data: 'note=' + attributeToString(note), 
    dataType: 'json', 
    success: function(cart) { 
     if ((typeof callback) === 'function') { 
     else { 
    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { 
     ShopifyAPI.onError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus); 

ShopifyAPI.onError = function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { 
    var data = eval('(' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText + ')'); 
    if (!!data.message) { 
    alert(data.message + '(' + data.status + '): ' + data.description); 

    POST to cart/add.js returns the JSON of the cart 
    - Allow use of form element instead of just id 
    - Allow custom error callback 
ShopifyAPI.addItemFromForm = function(form, callback, errorCallback) { 
    var params = { 
    type: 'POST', 
    url: '/cart/add.js', 
    data: jQuery(form).serialize(), 
    dataType: 'json', 
    success: function(line_item) { 
     if ((typeof callback) === 'function') { 
     callback(line_item, form); 
     else { 
     ShopifyAPI.onItemAdded(line_item, form); 
    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { 
     if ((typeof errorCallback) === 'function') { 
     errorCallback(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus); 
     else { 
     ShopifyAPI.onError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus); 

// Get from cart.js returns the cart in JSON 
ShopifyAPI.getCart = function(callback) { 
    jQuery.getJSON('/cart.js', function (cart, textStatus) { 
    if ((typeof callback) === 'function') { 
    else { 

// POST to cart/change.js returns the cart in JSON 
ShopifyAPI.changeItem = function(variant_id, quantity, callback) { 
    var params = { 
    type: 'POST', 
    url: '/cart/change.js', 
    data: 'quantity='+quantity+'&id='+variant_id, 
    dataType: 'json', 
    success: function(cart) { 
     if ((typeof callback) === 'function') { 
     else { 
    error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { 
     ShopifyAPI.onError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus); 

    Ajax Shopify Add To Cart 
var ajaxCart = (function(module, $) { 

    'use strict'; 

    // Public functions 
    var init, loadCart; 

    // Private general variables 
    var settings, $body; 

    // Private plugin variables 
    var $formContainer, $addToCart, $cartCountSelector, $cartCostSelector, $cartContainer, $drawerContainer; 

    // Private functions 
    var updateCountPrice, formOverride, itemAddedCallback, itemErrorCallback, cartUpdateCallback, buildCart, cartCallback, adjustCart, adjustCartCallback, createQtySelectors, qtySelectors, validateQty; 

    Initialise the plugin and define global options 
    init = function (options) { 

    // Default settings 
    settings = { 
     formSelector  : 'form[action^="/cart/add"]', 
     cartContainer  : '#CartContainer', 
     addToCartSelector : 'input[type="submit"]', 
     cartCountSelector : null, 
     cartCostSelector : null, 
     moneyFormat  : '${{amount}}', 
     disableAjaxCart : false, 
     enableQtySelectors : true 

    // Override defaults with arguments 
    $.extend(settings, options); 

    // Select DOM elements 
    $formContainer  = $(settings.formSelector); 
    $cartContainer  = $(settings.cartContainer); 
    $addToCart   = $formContainer.find(settings.addToCartSelector); 
    $cartCountSelector = $(settings.cartCountSelector); 
    $cartCostSelector = $(settings.cartCostSelector); 

    // General Selectors 
    $body = $('body'); 

    // Setup ajax quantity selectors on the any template if enableQtySelectors is true 
    if (settings.enableQtySelectors) { 

    // Take over the add to cart form submit action if ajax enabled 
    if (!settings.disableAjaxCart && $addToCart.length) { 

    // Run this function in case we're using the quantity selector outside of the cart 

    loadCart = function() { 

    updateCountPrice = function (cart) { 
    if ($cartCountSelector) { 

     if (cart.item_count === 0) { 
    if ($cartCostSelector) { 
     $cartCostSelector.html(Shopify.formatMoney(cart.total_price, settings.moneyFormat)); 

    formOverride = function() { 
    $formContainer.on('submit', function(evt) { 

     // Add class to be styled if desired 

     // Remove any previous quantity errors 

     ShopifyAPI.addItemFromForm(evt.target, itemAddedCallback, itemErrorCallback); 

    itemAddedCallback = function (product) { 


    itemErrorCallback = function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { 
    var data = eval('(' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText + ')'); 
    $addToCart.removeClass('is-adding is-added'); 

    if (!!data.message) { 
     if (data.status == 422) { 
     $formContainer.after('<div class="errors qty-error">'+ data.description +'</div>') 

    cartUpdateCallback = function (cart) { 
    // Update quantity and price 

    buildCart = function (cart) { 
    // Start with a fresh cart div 

    // Show empty cart 
    if (cart.item_count === 0) { 
     .append('<p>' + {{ 'cart.general.empty' | t | json }} + '</p>'); 

    // Handlebars.js cart layout 
    var items = [], 
     item = {}, 
     data = {}, 
     source = $("#CartTemplate").html(), 
     template = Handlebars.compile(source); 

    // Add each item to our handlebars.js data 
    $.each(cart.items, function(index, cartItem) { 
     var itemAdd = cartItem.quantity + 1, 
      itemMinus = cartItem.quantity - 1, 
      itemQty = cartItem.quantity; 

     /* Hack to get product image thumbnail 
     * - If image is not null 
     *  - Remove file extension, add _small, and re-add extension 
     *  - Create server relative link 
     * - A hard-coded url of no-image 

     if (cartItem.image != null){ 
     var prodImg = cartItem.image.replace(/(\.[^.]*)$/, "_small$1").replace('http:', ''); 
     } else { 
     var prodImg = "//cdn.shopify.com/s/assets/admin/no-image-medium-cc9732cb976dd349a0df1d39816fbcc7.gif"; 

     var prodName = cartItem.product_title, 
      prodVariation = cartItem.variant_title; 

     if (prodVariation == 'Default Title') { 
     prodVariation = false; 

     // Create item's data object and add to 'items' array 
     item = { 
     id: cartItem.variant_id, 
     url: cartItem.url, 
     img: prodImg, 
     name: prodName, 
     variation: prodVariation, 
     itemAdd: itemAdd, 
     itemMinus: itemMinus, 
     itemQty: itemQty, 
     price: Shopify.formatMoney(cartItem.price, settings.moneyFormat), 
     vendor: cartItem.vendor 


    // Gather all cart data and add to DOM 
    data = { 
     items: items, 
     note: cart.note, 
     totalPrice: Shopify.formatMoney(cart.total_price, settings.moneyFormat) 



    cartCallback = function(cart) { 
    $body.trigger('ajaxCart.afterCartLoad', cart); 

    adjustCart = function() { 
    // Delegate all events because elements reload with the cart 

    // Add or remove from the quantity 
    $body.on('click', '.ajaxcart__qty-adjust', function() { 
     var el = $(this), 
      id = el.data('id'), 
      qtySelector = el.siblings('.ajaxcart__qty-num'), 
      qty = parseInt(qtySelector.val().replace(/\D/g, '')); 

     var qty = validateQty(qty); 

     // Add or subtract from the current quantity 
     if (el.hasClass('ajaxcart__qty--plus')) { 
     qty = qty + 1; 
     } else { 
     qty = qty - 1; 
     if (qty <= 0) qty = 0; 

     // If it has a data-id, update the cart. 
     // Otherwise, just update the input's number 
     if (id) { 
     updateQuantity(id, qty); 
     } else { 

    // Update quantity based on input on change 
    $body.on('change', '.ajaxcart__qty-num', function() { 
     var el = $(this), 
      id = el.data('id'), 
      qty = parseInt(el.val().replace(/\D/g, '')); 

     var qty = validateQty(qty); 

     // Only update the cart via ajax if we have a variant ID to work with 
     if (id) { 
     updateQuantity(id, qty); 

    // Highlight the text when focused 
    $body.on('focus', '.ajaxcart__qty-adjust', function() { 
     var el = $(this); 
     setTimeout(function() { 
     }, 50); 

    function updateQuantity(id, qty) { 
     // Add activity classes when changing cart quantities 
     var row = $('.ajaxcart__row[data-id="' + id + '"]').addClass('is-loading'); 

     if (qty === 0) { 

     // Slight delay to make sure removed animation is done 
     setTimeout(function() { 
     ShopifyAPI.changeItem(id, qty, adjustCartCallback); 
     }, 250); 

    // Save note anytime it's changed 
    $body.on('change', 'textarea[name="note"]', function() { 
     var newNote = $(this).val(); 

     // Update the cart note in case they don't click update/checkout 
     ShopifyAPI.updateCartNote(newNote, function(cart) {}); 

    adjustCartCallback = function (cart) { 
    // Update quantity and price 

    // Reprint cart on short timeout so you don't see the content being removed 
    setTimeout(function() { 
    }, 150) 

    createQtySelectors = function() { 
    // If there is a normal quantity number field in the ajax cart, replace it with our version 
    if ($('input[type="number"]', $cartContainer).length) { 
     $('input[type="number"]', $cartContainer).each(function() { 
     var el = $(this), 
      currentQty = el.val(); 

     var itemAdd = currentQty + 1, 
      itemMinus = currentQty - 1, 
      itemQty = currentQty; 

     var source = $("#AjaxQty").html(), 
      template = Handlebars.compile(source), 
      data = { 
       id: el.data('id'), 
       itemQty: itemQty, 
       itemAdd: itemAdd, 
       itemMinus: itemMinus 

     // Append new quantity selector then remove original 

    // If there is a regular link to remove an item, add attributes needed for ajax 
    if ($('a[href^="/cart/change"]', $cartContainer).length) { 
     $('a[href^="/cart/change"]', $cartContainer).each(function() { 
     var el = $(this).addClass('ajaxcart__remove'); 

    qtySelectors = function() { 
    // Change number inputs to JS ones, similar to ajax cart but without API integration. 
    // Make sure to add the existing name and id to the new input element 
    var numInputs = $('input[type="number"]'); 

    if (numInputs.length) { 
     numInputs.each(function() { 
     var el = $(this), 
      currentQty = el.val(), 
      inputName = el.attr('name'), 
      inputId = el.attr('id'); 

     var itemAdd = currentQty + 1, 
      itemMinus = currentQty - 1, 
      itemQty = currentQty; 

     var source = $("#JsQty").html(), 
      template = Handlebars.compile(source), 
      data = { 
       id: el.data('id'), 
       itemQty: itemQty, 
       itemAdd: itemAdd, 
       itemMinus: itemMinus, 
       inputName: inputName, 
       inputId: inputId 

     // Append new quantity selector then remove original 

     // Setup listeners to add/subtract from the input 
     $('.js-qty__adjust').on('click', function() { 
     var el = $(this), 
      id = el.data('id'), 
      qtySelector = el.siblings('.js-qty__num'), 
      qty = parseInt(qtySelector.val().replace(/\D/g, '')); 

     var qty = validateQty(qty); 

     // Add or subtract from the current quantity 
     if (el.hasClass('js-qty__adjust--plus')) { 
      qty = qty + 1; 
     } else { 
      qty = qty - 1; 
      if (qty <= 1) qty = 1; 

     // Update the input's number 

    validateQty = function (qty) { 
    if((parseFloat(qty) == parseInt(qty)) && !isNaN(qty)) { 
     // We have a valid number! 
    } else { 
     // Not a number. Default to 1. 
     qty = 1; 
    return qty; 

    module = { 
    init: init, 
    load: loadCart 

    return module; 

}(ajaxCart || {}, jQuery)); 



你可以給不更新購物車的網址。 我有檢查在主頁和列表頁面,它的工作良好。

