拼命嘗試使Jquery的.delegate方法按我需要的方式工作。我希望委託函數確認更改或單擊從循環返回的單選按鈕。無法成功使用Jquery .delegate()方法
$("#MailGroupResults").delegate("input[type=radio]", "click", function() {
<div class="secResultCon" id="MailGroupResultsCon">
<div class="secResult" id="MailGroupResults">
<!-- Following Code is generated by jquery loop -->
<p>Mailbox Permissions</p>
<div class="optionResources">
<div class="optionResourceMini">
<div class="optionResourceMini">
<div class="switch">
<input type="radio" id="11" class="checkbox" name="Jindabyne Tickets">
<input type="radio" id="10" class="checkbox" name="Jindabyne Tickets" checked="">
<label class="cb-enable"><span>On</span></label>
<label class="cb-disable selected"><span>Off</span></label>
$("#MailGroupResults").delegate("input[type=radio]", "click", function() {
function GetUserMailGroups(userName) {
type: 'POST',
url: 'ADMethods.asmx/GetEmailGroups',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
data: '{ userName : "' + userName + '"}',
success: function (response) {
GetMailGroups = false;
var memberOfMail = response.d;
i = 0;
// Create Javascript Array to contain the Mailbox information so that we can run check against when
// a switch is pressed. Therefore, on form submission we can identify changes of permissions
arrSize = memberOfMail.length;
arrMail = new Array(arrSize);
$.each(memberOfMail, function (index, MailInfo) {
arrMail[i] = new Array(2);
var html = '<div class="optionResources">';
var html = html + '<div class="optionResourceMini">' + MailInfo.GroupName + '</div>';
var html = html + '<div class="optionResourceMini">';
var html = html + '<div class="switch">';
// Apply returned data to array
arrMail[i][0] = MailInfo.GroupName
if (MailInfo.MemberOf) {
var html = html + '<input type="radio" id="' + i + '1" class="checkbox" name="' + MailInfo.GroupName + '" checked />';
var html = html + '<input type="radio" id="' + i + '0" class="checkbox" name="' + MailInfo.GroupName + '" />';
var html = html + '<label class="cb-enable selected"><span>On</span></label>';
var html = html + '<label class="cb-disable "><span>Off</span></label>';
arrMail[i][1] = true;
} else {
var html = html + '<input type="radio" id="' + i + '1" class="checkbox" name="' + MailInfo.GroupName + '" />';
var html = html + '<input type="radio" id="' + i + '0" class="checkbox" name="' + MailInfo.GroupName + '" checked />';
var html = html + '<label class="cb-enable"><span>On</span></label>';
var html = html + '<label class="cb-disable selected"><span>Off</span></label>';
arrMail[i][1] = false;
var html = html + '</div>';
var html = html + '</div>';
var html = html + '</div> ';
// Increase i integer for array index.
http://jsfiddle.net/aFSmF/4/JS Fiddle
*「我設法使用同樣的方法在jsfiddle中工作」*:然後我明白你的問題是什麼/你想知道什麼。你在這裏發佈的代碼並不是很有用,因爲它混合了JS和HTML,而且你執行什麼時還不清楚。另外,什麼*「不起作用」*? –
什麼都不起作用,你的小提琴中的代碼工作。 – undefined
你應該使用on()與jQuery 1.8.2 – epascarello