2015-05-14 67 views

現在,蘋果已輕鬆擺脫NSStringString自動兼容性,我有一點噩夢在兩者之間。我得到幾個NSString出去了一本字典的,我無法將它們轉換爲普通String小號...Swift 1.2 Xcode 6.3 NSString?給字符串給線程1:EXC_BAD_ACCESS(代碼= 1,地址= 0x20)


let fileNameString: String = String(format: "%@", filename!) 

let fileNameString: String = (filename as! String) 

let fileNameString = filename as? String 

let fileNameString = (filename as? String) ?? "" 

if let fileNameString = filename as? String { 



但隨着要麼沒有喜悅。獲取Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x20)。我在這裏錯過了很明顯的東西嗎



// First we create a head request as the info I need is in the headers 
var newRequest: NSMutableURLRequest = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: request.URL!) 
newRequest.HTTPMethod = "HEAD" 
var response: NSURLResponse? 
NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(newRequest, returningResponse: &response, error: nil) 

// Unwrap response as httpResponse in order to access allHeaderFields   
if let httpResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse { 

    let headerString = "sfn-Document-Filename" 
    let headerNSString = headerString as NSString 
    let filetypeString = "Content-Type" 
    let filetypeNSString = filetypeString as NSString 

    // This is a dictionary where the keys are NSCFStrings 
    // (NSStrings, hence creating the NSStrings above) 
    var allHeaders = httpResponse.allHeaderFields 

    // Getting the filename out here only works with as? NSString. as? String creates the same error as converting. 
    let filename = allHeaders[headerNSString] as? NSString 

    // This is a string which contains the type as 'application/pdf' for example. We only need the part after the /. 
    // Again, trying to get this out as a String fails 
    let typeString = allHeaders[filetypeNSString] as? NSString 
    var typeArray = typeString?.componentsSeparatedByString("/") as! [NSString] 
    let filetype = typeArray[1] 


將NSString轉換爲字符串不需要再強制下載,因此只能使用'filename作爲字符串'。關於你的問題文件名是什麼類型? –


什麼是文件名? – user3182143


@zellb Xcode告訴我它需要它,因爲它是'NSString?'。 –



如果這是一個NSString,第所有你需要做的是filename as String(no !)。但這聽起來像問題是您的filename,可選類型NSString?,是nil。 (選項單擊filename,以確認它的類型)


let fileNameString = (filename as? String) ?? "" 


if let fileNameString = filename as? String { 
    // use fileNameString, which will be unwrapped and of type String 
else { 
    // log error or similar 


let fileNameString = filename as? String 
// which is a less long-winded way of saying 
let fileNameString = filename.map { $0 as String } 

一般來說,您應該嘗試減少!的用法,因爲它會導致類似的問題。 !僅適用於從代碼中知道值絕對肯定不能爲nil的那些時間。


let url = NSURL(string: "http://www.google.com") 
let request = url.map { NSMutableURLRequest(URL: $0) } 
request?.HTTPMethod = "HEAD" 

let response: NSHTTPURLResponse? = request.flatMap { 
    var response: NSURLResponse? 
    NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest($0, returningResponse: &response, error: nil) 
    return response as? NSHTTPURLResponse 

let headers = response?.allHeaderFields as? [String:String] 

// google.com has no such header but still... 
let filename = headers?["sfn-Document-Filename"] 

// bear in mind someArray[1] will also crash if there's no such entry, 
// first/last are better if that's what you want 
let type = headers?["Content-Type"]? 



請看我的編輯 –


嗯,奇怪。唯一奇怪的是它顯示'(NSString?)'而不是'NSString'。無論如何,嘗試上述技術之一,它可能是一個編譯器怪癖,這些將作爲一種解決方法。如果這不起作用,也許嘗試'filename.0 ?? 「」 - 我有時會看到奇怪的1-tuple編譯器bug出現,有時候會影響它們。 –


我已經嘗試過'filename?字符串「,但由於它是一個'NSString?'它告訴我它需要'!'。仍然得到'Thread 1:EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code = 1,address = 0x20)' –
