2011-10-11 22 views



在EnvDTE中獲取當前文檔的TextPoint的CodeElement。 下面是一些宏代碼:

'Option Strict Off 
'Option Explicit Off 

Imports EnvDTE 
Imports EnvDTE80 
Imports System.Diagnostics 
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic 
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars 
Imports System.Windows.Forms 
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCCodeModel 
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine 

Public Module Module1 

Sub Macro2() 
    Dim objTextDocument As EnvDTE.TextDocument 
    Dim objCursorTextPoint As EnvDTE.TextPoint 

     objTextDocument = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Object, EnvDTE.TextDocument) 
     objCursorTextPoint = objTextDocument.Selection.ActivePoint() 
     If objTextDocument.Selection.Text.Contains("*/") Then 
      objTextDocument.Selection.Insert("Released", vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtStart) 
     End If 

    Catch ex As System.Exception 
    End Try 
End Sub 

Sub Macro1() 
    Dim objCodeElement As EnvDTE.CodeElement 
    Dim objCursorTextPoint As EnvDTE.TextPoint 

     objCursorTextPoint = GetCursorTextPoint() 

     If Not (objCursorTextPoint Is Nothing) Then 
      For i As Integer = 0 To 39 
       objCodeElement = objCursorTextPoint.CodeElement(i) 
       If Not objCodeElement Is Nothing Then 
        MsgBox("wow, we have something: " & objCodeElement.FullName) 
       End If 
      Next i 
      If objCodeElement Is Nothing Then 
       MsgBox("Visual studio is a joke") 
      End If 
     End If 
    Catch ex As System.Exception 
    End Try 
End Sub 

Sub GetCodeElementAtCursor() 

    Dim objCodeElement As EnvDTE.CodeElement 
    Dim objCursorTextPoint As EnvDTE.TextPoint 

     objCursorTextPoint = GetCursorTextPoint() 

     If Not (objCursorTextPoint Is Nothing) Then 
      ' Get the class at the cursor 
      objCodeElement = GetCodeElementAtTextPoint(vsCMElement.vsCMElementFunction, _ 
       DTE.ActiveDocument.ProjectItem.FileCodeModel.CodeElements, objCursorTextPoint) 
     End If 

     If objCodeElement Is Nothing Then 
      MessageBox.Show("No class found at the cursor!") 
      MessageBox.Show("Class at the cursor: " & objCodeElement.FullName) 

     End If 

    Catch ex As System.Exception 
    End Try 

End Sub 

Private Function GetCursorTextPoint() As EnvDTE.TextPoint 

    Dim objTextDocument As EnvDTE.TextDocument 
    Dim objCursorTextPoint As EnvDTE.TextPoint 

     objTextDocument = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Object, EnvDTE.TextDocument) 
     objCursorTextPoint = objTextDocument.Selection.ActivePoint() 
    Catch ex As System.Exception 
    End Try 

    Return objCursorTextPoint 

End Function 

Private Function GetCodeElementAtTextPoint(ByVal eRequestedCodeElementKind As EnvDTE.vsCMElement, _ 
    ByVal colCodeElements As EnvDTE.CodeElements, ByVal objTextPoint As EnvDTE.TextPoint) _ 
    As EnvDTE.CodeElement 

    Dim objCodeElement As EnvDTE.CodeElement 
    Dim objResultCodeElement As EnvDTE.CodeElement 
    Dim colCodeElementMembers As EnvDTE.CodeElements 
    Dim objMemberCodeElement As EnvDTE.CodeElement 

    If Not (colCodeElements Is Nothing) Then 

     For Each objCodeElement In colCodeElements 

      If objCodeElement.StartPoint.GreaterThan(objTextPoint) Then 

       ' The code element starts beyond the point 

      ElseIf objCodeElement.EndPoint.LessThan(objTextPoint) Then 

       ' The code element ends before the point 

      Else ' The code element contains the point 

       If objCodeElement.Kind = eRequestedCodeElementKind Then 
        ' Found 
        objResultCodeElement = objCodeElement 
       End If 

       ' We enter in recursion, just in case there is an inner code element that also 
       ' satisfies the conditions, for example, if we are searching a namespace or a class 
       colCodeElementMembers = GetCodeElementMembers(objCodeElement) 

       objMemberCodeElement = GetCodeElementAtTextPoint(eRequestedCodeElementKind, _ 
        colCodeElementMembers, objTextPoint) 

       If Not (objMemberCodeElement Is Nothing) Then 
        ' A nested code element also satisfies the conditions 
        objResultCodeElement = objMemberCodeElement 
       End If 

       Exit For 

      End If 


    End If 

    Return objResultCodeElement 

End Function 

Private Function GetCodeElementMembers(ByVal objCodeElement As CodeElement) As EnvDTE.CodeElements 

    Dim colCodeElements As EnvDTE.CodeElements 

    If TypeOf objCodeElement Is EnvDTE.CodeNamespace Then 

     colCodeElements = CType(objCodeElement, EnvDTE.CodeNamespace).Members 

    ElseIf TypeOf objCodeElement Is EnvDTE.CodeType Then 

     colCodeElements = CType(objCodeElement, EnvDTE.CodeType).Members 

    ElseIf TypeOf objCodeElement Is EnvDTE.CodeFunction Then 

     colCodeElements = DirectCast(objCodeElement, EnvDTE.CodeFunction).Parameters 

    End If 

    Return colCodeElements 

End Function 

Sub PropertiesExample() 
    ' Create and initialize a variable to represent the Documents 
    ' Options page. 
    Dim envGenTab As EnvDTE.Properties = _ 
    DTE.Properties("Environment", "ProjectsAndSolution") 
    Dim prop As EnvDTE.Property 
    Dim msg As String 

    ' Loop through each item in the Documents Options box. 
    For Each prop In envGenTab 
     msg += ("PROP NAME: " & prop.Name & " VALUE: " & _ 
     prop.Value) & vbCr 
End Sub 

End Module 

