2012-09-05 101 views


<title> Packard Carburetors </title> 
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<div class="wrapper"> 

<div id="header"> 
    <h1 id="banner">Packard Carburetors</h1> 

<div id="navbar" class="green"> 
    <ul id="navigation"> 
      <ul class="sub-nav"> 
       <li>-1930 Speedster</li> 
       <li>-1929-31 Super 8</li> 
       <li>-Late 1931-32 Super 8</li> 
       <li>-1929-31 Standard 8</li> 
       <li>-Late 1931-32 Standard 8</li> 
       <li>-Rare Parts</li> 
       <li class="last">-745 Parts</li> 
      <ul class="sub-nav"> 
       <li>-1932-33 V12 & V16</li> 
       <li class="last">-1934-1937 V12 & V16</li> 
     <li>SHOPPING CART</li> 
     <li>CHECK OUT</li> 
     <li>CONTACT US</li> 

    <img id="#navbar-logo" src="img/logo.png"> 
    <p id="nav-phone" class="black center bold">775.842.4282</p> 
    <p class="black center nav-small bold">[email protected]</p> 
    <p class="black center nav-small bold">Sparks, NV USA</p> 

<div id="content"> 

    <h1 class="home-banner green center bold">All Packard Carburetors 1929-'32</h1> 
    <h2 class="home-banner green center bold">1930 Speedster <span class="black">|</span> 1929-32 Super 8 <span class="black">|</span> 1929-32 Standard 8</h2> 
    <h1 class="home-banner green center bold">Cadillac Carburetors</h1> 
    <h2 class="home-banner green center bold">1932 - 1937 V-12 & V-16</h2> 

    <img id="detroit-lubricator" src="img./detroit-lubricator.png"> 

    <div id="middle-column"> 
     <ul id="feature-list-home"> 
      <li>Silicone Bronze Investment Casting</li> 
      <li>Precision CNC Brass Machine Parts</li> 
      <li>Viton-Tipped Needles</li> 
      <li>Current Design 
       <ul id="sub-feature-list-home"> 
        <li>-Needle Seats</li> 
        <li>-Pressure Valves</li> 
      <li>Authentic Polished Brass Components</li> 
      <li>Gasoline and Ethanol Proof Exterior Coating</li> 
      <li>Exact Size as Original</li> 

     <!--<img id="middle-bar-spacer" src="img/divider-bar.png"> 

     <div id="box-and-copy"> 
      <img id="boxes" src="img/packard-boxes.png"> 

      <p class="bold">All Components In-Stock!</p> 
      <p>Your Carburetor will be professionally assembled, engine tested and shipped quickly worldwide.</p> 
     </div><!-- Box and copy --> 

    </div><!--Middle Column --> 

    <div id="right-column"> 
       <td><img src="img/carb-1.png"></td> 
       <td><img src="img/carb-1.png"></td> 
       <td>1930 Speedster</td> 
       <td>1929-1931 Super 8</td> 
       <td><img src="img/carb-3.png"></td> 
       <td><img src="img/carb-4.png"></td> 
       <td>1932 Super 8</td> 
       <td>1929-1931 Standard 8</td> 
       <td><img src="img/box.png"></td> 
       <td><img src="img/carb-5.png"></td> 
       <td>1932 Standard 8</td> 
    </div> <!--Right Column--> 
    <div class="clear"></div> 

    <img class="bottom-spacer" src="img/spacer-bottom.png"> 





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我在JSFiddle中試過這個,表格和div沒有破壞任何東西。這可能是你的reset.css導致了麻煩? – irrelephant


這是Eric Meyer的重置。我真的很難過這個。 –


您正在測試哪個瀏覽器? – Alohci






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評論由「Box and copy - >'關閉,不應該影響頁面的佈局。 – irrelephant