2017-03-23 24 views

enter image description here 如何在表中的內容,將過濾器中反應

import React, { Component } from 'react'; 

import {Doughnut} from "react-chartjs-2" 

import {bindActionCreators} from "redux"; 
import {connect} from 'react-redux'; 

import {fetchBeacons} from '../actions/'; 

const DummyDoughnutData = { 
    labels: ['beacon 1 - zone a', 'beacon 2 - zone c', 'beacon 3 - zone a', 'beacon 4 - zone b', 'beacon 5 - zone b'], 
    datasets: [ 
     borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.55)', 
     data: [ 30, 9, 17, 22, 11], 
     backgroundColor: [ 
\t \t '#063e70', 
\t \t '#107bb5', 
\t \t '#1A1C1D', 
\t \t '#666666', 
\t \t '#2F4F4F' 

\t \t ] 


// const beacons=[ 
//   {zone:"zone a", status: "active", _id:1}, 
//   {zone:"zone c", status: "active", _id:2}, 
//   {zone:"zone a", status: "active", _id:3}, 
//   {zone:"zone b", status: "active", _id:4}, 
//   {zone:"zone b", status: "active", _id:5}, 
//   {zone:"zone b", status: "active", _id:6}, 
//   {zone:"zone c", status: "active", _id:7} 
// ]; 

// class BeaconZoneRow extends Component { 
//  render() { 
//   return (
//    <tr> 
//     <th colSpan="2"> 
//      {this.props.zone} 
//     </th> 
//    </tr> 
//  ) 

//  } 

// } 

class BeaconRow extends Component { 
    render() { 
     return (
       <td> {this.props.beacon.zone.name} </td> 

class BeaconList extends Component { 

    // Sort = (prop) => { return (a,b) => a[prop].localeCompare(b[prop])}; 

    render() { 
     const rows = []; 

     this.props.beacons.map(beacon => { 
      return rows.push(<BeaconRow beacon={beacon} key={beacon._id}/>) 

     return (
      <div className="col-lg-6"> 
       <table className="table"> 



class BeaconDoughnutAnalysis extends Component { 
    render() { 
     return (
      <div className="col-lg-6"> 
       <Doughnut data={DummyDoughnutData} /> 


class BeaconListComponent extends Component { 
    constructor(props) { 
    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this) 


    componentWillMount =() => { 


    render() { 
     return (
       <div className="row"> 
        <div className="col-sm-5"> 
         <button className="btn btn-sm btn-info" onClick={this.handleSubmit}> Add Beacon</button> 
       { this.props.beacons && this.props.beacons.length > 0 ? 
        <div className="row"> 
         <BeaconList beacons={this.props.beacons}/> 
        </div> : 

function mapStateToProps(state) { 
    return { 
     beacons: state.beacons 


function matchDispatchToProps(dispatch){ 
    return bindActionCreators({fetchBeacons: fetchBeacons}, dispatch); 

export default connect(mapStateToProps, matchDispatchToProps)(BeaconListComponent);

我從服務器獲取數據,我想知道如何使用過濾表中的數據反應終極版 代碼如上所示使用哪個表正在顯示,我想過濾其內容


你怎麼想過濾的內容,有什麼電流輸出和你有什麼期望得到 –


我得到的輸出,你可以在具有3個表的形式看名稱狀態和區域的列 我想在應用過濾器時使用區域和使用過濾器時,我們選擇相關區域其相關信息必須顯示截至目前我正在獲取所有區域的所有信息 – Piyush


兄弟我正在抓取從API和數據的數據顯示在表 的形式,我想在 應用過濾器希望你現在明白 – Piyush




class BeaconList extends Component { 

    // Sort = (prop) => { return (a,b) => a[prop].localeCompare(b[prop])}; 

    render() { 
     const rows = []; 
     //Assuming you are filtering based on zone and you are giving the zone you want to filter as a prop zone 

     this.props.beacons.map(beacon => { 
      if(beacon.zone === this.props.zone) { 
       return rows.push(<BeaconRow beacon={beacon} key={beacon._id}/>) 

     return (
      <div className="col-lg-6"> 
       <table className="table"> 




https://ianwitherow.github.io/react-filterable-table/example/index.html 我希望你現在能理解 這就是我說我想要做 – Piyush


忘掉過濾 你可以告訴你怎麼開的相關信息頁面時,在表中 – Piyush


上的Piyush名用戶點擊我知道如何與該過濾器克服,唯一的事情是,我需要一些時間來進行這項工作。您能否告訴您是否爲每個名稱配置了路由器?在這種情況下,您可以提供名稱的鏈接 –
