I've solved the problem. The problem is related my %PATH%我應該如何在PowerShell中執行此Python腳本
.\dsrf2csv.py C:\Python27\a\DSR_testdata.tsv.gz
def __init__(self, dsrf2csv_arg):
self.dsrf_filename = dsrf2csv_arg
dsrf_path, filename = os.path.split(self.dsrf_filename)
self.report_outfilename = os.path.join(dsrf_path, filename.replace('DSR', 'Report').replace('tsv', 'csv'))
self.summary_outfilename = os.path.join(dsrf_path, filename.replace('DSR', 'Summary').replace('tsv.gz', 'csv'))
但是當我嘗試運行此腳本沒有采取任何行動。我應該如何用文件運行這個腳本? (例如:testdata.tsv.gz)
Full Scritp;
import argparse
import atexit
import collections
import csv
import gzip
import os
SKIP_ROWS = ['HEAD', '#HEAD', '#SY02', '#SY03', '#AS01', '#MW01', '#RU01',
'#SU03', '#LI01', '#FOOT']
REPORT_HEAD = ['Asset_ID', 'Asset_Title', 'Asset_Artist', 'Asset_ISRC',
'MW_Asset_ID', 'MW_Title', 'MW_ISWC', 'MW_Custom_ID',
'MW_Writers', 'Views', 'Owner_name', 'Ownership_Claim',
'Gross_Revenue', 'Amount_Payable', 'Video_IDs', 'Video_views']
SUMMARY_HEAD = ['SummaryRecordId', 'DistributionChannel',
'DistributionChannelDPID', 'CommercialModel', 'UseType',
'Territory', 'ServiceDescription', 'Usages', 'Users',
'Currency', 'NetRevenue', 'RightsController',
'RightsControllerPartyId', 'AllocatedUsages', 'AmountPayable',
class DsrfConverter(object):
"""Converts DSRF 3.0 to YouTube CSV."""
def __init__(self, dsrf2csv_arg):
""" Creating output file names """
self.dsrf_filename = dsrf2csv_arg
dsrf_path, filename = os.path.split(self.dsrf_filename)
input("Press Enter to continue...")
self.report_outfilename = os.path.join(dsrf_path, filename.replace(
'DSR', 'Report').replace('tsv', 'csv'))
self.summary_outfilename = os.path.join(dsrf_path, filename.replace(
'DSR', 'Summary').replace('tsv.gz', 'csv'))
def parse_blocks(self, reader):
"""Generator for parsing all the blocks from the file.
reader: the handler of the input file
block_lines: A full block as a list of rows.
block_lines = []
current_block = None
for line in reader:
if line[0] in SKIP_ROWS:
# Exit condition
if line[0] == 'FOOT':
yield block_lines
raise StopIteration()
line_block_number = int(line[1])
if current_block is None:
# Initialize
current_block = line_block_number
if line_block_number > current_block:
# End of block, yield and build a new one
yield block_lines
block_lines = []
current_block = line_block_number
# Also return last block
yield block_lines
def process_single_block(self, block):
"""Handles a single block in the DSR report.
block: Block as a list of lines.
(summary_rows, report_row) tuple.
views = 0
gross_revenue = 0
summary_rows = []
owners_data = {}
# Create an ordered dictionary with a key for every column.
report_row_dict = collections.OrderedDict(
[(column_name.lower(), '') for column_name in REPORT_HEAD])
for line in block:
if line[0] == 'SY02': # Save the financial Summary
if line[0] == 'AS01': # Sound Recording information
report_row_dict['asset_id'] = line[3]
report_row_dict['asset_title'] = line[5]
report_row_dict['asset_artist'] = line[7]
report_row_dict['asset_isrc'] = line[4]
if line[0] == 'MW01': # Composition information
report_row_dict['mw_asset_id'] = line[2]
report_row_dict['mw_title'] = line[4]
report_row_dict['mw_iswc'] = line[3]
report_row_dict['mw_writers'] = line[6]
if line[0] == 'RU01': # Video level information
report_row_dict['video_ids'] = line[3]
report_row_dict['video_views'] = line[4]
if line[0] == 'SU03': # Usage data of Sound Recording Asset
# Summing up views and revenues for each sub-period
views += int(line[5])
gross_revenue += float(line[6])
report_row_dict['views'] = views
report_row_dict['gross_revenue'] = gross_revenue
if line[0] == 'LI01': # Ownership information
# if we already have parsed a LI01 line with that owner
if line[3] in owners_data:
# keep only the latest ownership
owners_data[line[3]]['ownership'] = line[6]
owners_data[line[3]]['amount_payable'] += float(line[9])
# need to create the entry for that owner
data_dict = {'custom_id': line[5],
'ownership': line[6],
'amount_payable': float(line[9])}
owners_data[line[3]] = data_dict
# get rid of owners which do not have an ownership or an amount payable
owners_to_write = [o for o in owners_data
if (owners_data[o]['ownership'] > 0
and owners_data[o]['amount_payable'] > 0)]
report_row_dict['owner_name'] = '|'.join(owners_to_write)
report_row_dict['mw_custom_id'] = '|'.join([owners_data[o]
for o in owners_to_write])
report_row_dict['ownership_claim'] = '|'.join([owners_data[o]
for o in owners_to_write])
report_row_dict['amount_payable'] = '|'.join([str(owners_data[o]
for o in owners_to_write])
# Sanity check. The number of values must match the number of columns.
assert len(report_row_dict) == len(REPORT_HEAD), 'Row is wrong size :/'
return summary_rows, report_row_dict
def run(self):
finished = False
def removeFiles():
if not finished:
with gzip.open(self.dsrf_filename, 'rb') as dsr_file, gzip.open(
self.report_outfilename, 'wb') as report_file, open(
self.summary_outfilename, 'wb') as summary_file:
dsr_reader = csv.reader(dsr_file, delimiter='\t')
report_writer = csv.writer(report_file)
summary_writer = csv.writer(summary_file)
for block in self.parse_blocks(dsr_reader):
summary_rows, report_row = self.process_single_block(block)
finished = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Converts DDEX DSRF UGC profile reports to Standard CSV.')
required_args = arg_parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
required_args.add_argument('dsrf2csv_arg', type=str)
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
dsrf_converter = DsrfConverter(args.dsrf2csv_arg)
您可以嘗試進入_Powershell_控制檯中的腳本文件夾並鍵入:'python。\ dsrf2csv.py testdata.tsv.gz'。但是這取決於_python.exe_可執行文件位於_%PATH%_環境變量中的其中一個文件夾中。如果不是這種情況,請按照完整路徑指定它,例如(因爲我不知道你在哪裏安裝_Python_)'「C:\ Python \ 3.5 \ python.exe」。\ dsrf2csv.py testdata.tsv.gz' (或將該文件夾添加到_%PATH%_)。 – CristiFati
您預期會發生什麼可觀察的行爲,爲什麼?你的腳本不會做任何事情。 – Goyo
在第一個腳本行('XX'沒有色情,與您使用的Python版本相關)中編寫測試腳本,檢查'哪個python版本是傳入的?或者輸入'#!「c:\ Program Files \ pythonXX \ python.exe」 – dsgdfg