2012-01-24 76 views

我有一個Chrome擴展程序,它在單擊擴展程序圖標時執行window.open()。 (由於Chrome中存在無關的錯誤,因此無法使用傳統的Chrome擴展程序彈出窗口)。我想知道如果有一種方法可以集中彈出窗口,如果它已經打開。 Chrome會禁用window.focus(),但我認爲Chrome擴展中可能會有這種方法。您可以專注於Chrome擴展程序中的彈出窗口嗎?

更新: 任何有興趣,這是我最後用我的後臺頁面的代碼:

var popupId; 

// When the icon is clicked in Chrome 
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) { 

    // If popupId is undefined then there isn't a popup currently open. 
    if (typeof popupId === "undefined") { 

    // Open the popup 
     "url": "index.html", 
     "type": "popup", 
     "focused": true, 
     "width": 350, 
     "height": 520 
    }, function (popup) { 
     popupId = popup.id; 

    // There's currently a popup open 
    else { 
    // Bring it to the front so the user can see it 
    chrome.windows.update(popupId, { "focused": true }); 


// When a window is closed 
chrome.windows.onRemoved.addListener(function(windowId) { 
    // If the window getting closed is the popup we created 
    if (windowId === popupId) { 
    // Set popupId to undefined so we know the popups not open 
    popupId = undefined; 

