2013-04-11 57 views



using terms from application "Mail" 
on perform mail action with messages theMessages 
    repeat with thisMessage in theMessages 
     tell application "Mail" 
      set newMessage to redirect thisMessage with opening window 
      tell newMessage 
       set subject of newMessage to "hello" 
       make new to recipient at beginning of to recipients with properties {address:"[email protected]"} 
       delete bcc recipients 
       delete cc recipients 
      end tell 
      set the sender of newMessage to "[email protected]" 
      delay 1 
      -- send newMessage 
     end tell 
    end repeat 
end perform mail action with messages 
end using terms from 

這可能有助於診斷:它發生在'重新創建收件人...'之後。 – 2013-04-11 03:05:27


是的,我也注意到了,但我無法弄清楚爲什麼會發生這種情況,或者我的替代方案是爲了實現相同的目標。 – 2013-04-11 03:54:37



我試過這個與Mac OS X 10.6.8和郵件4.6.1085和純文本電子郵件。電子郵件的正文在開始時並沒有在這個設置中重複,但是我注意到它在另一個自動回覆函數中被複制。事情是這樣的:

  1. 寫文本與主題的電子郵件 「Evernote的」 2)下載電子郵件, 主題 「Evernote的」 觸發從我的支持E-mail, 看起來正常的自動回覆
  2. 支持自動回覆(這被送到 自己,因爲它是一個測試)觸發Evernote的腳本(下)
  3. Evernote的腳本引用原郵件並插入同一消息的副本 。


using terms from application "Mail" 
    on perform mail action with messages theMessages 
     repeat with thisMessage in theMessages 
      tell application "Mail" 
       set theText to content of thisMessage 
       set newMessage to redirect thisMessage with opening window 
       tell newMessage 
        set subject of newMessage to "hello" 
        make new to recipient at beginning of to recipients with properties {address:"[email protected]"} 
        delete bcc recipients 
        delete cc recipients 
       end tell 
       set the sender of newMessage to "[email protected]" 
       set content of newMessage to thisText 
       delay 1 
       -- send newMessage 
      end tell 
     end repeat 
    end perform mail action with messages 
end using terms from 

我有同樣的問題,當我試圖轉發消息(運行10.6至10.9) 我通過存儲的內容固定它在添加另一個主題等之前的新消息...

set themessage to forward eachMail with opening window 
set a to content of themessage 
set thesubject to (subject of eachMail) as rich text 
    tell themessage 
     set subject to thesubject 
     repeat with m in mailtos 
      make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:m} 
     end repeat 
     set content to a 
    end tell