class TaskStartPart {
public void calculHash() throws InterruptedException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
try {
DigestInputStream digestInputStream=null ;
MessageDigest messageDigest=MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512") ;
digestInputStream=new DigestInputStream(new TaskPart(new File("C:\\Users\\win7p\\Documents/t")),messageDigest) ;
while(digestInputStream.read()>=0) ;
for(byte b: messageDigest.digest()) {
hexRes2 += String.format("%02x",b);
} sb = new StringBuilder(hexRes2); //StringBuilder which adjust the string to be parsed
dateiSpeichern(0,0,sb.substring(hexRes2.length() - 128,hexRes2.length())); System.out.println(sb.substring(hexRes2.length() - 128,hexRes2.length()));
} catch (IOException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}
class TaskPart extends InputStream {
private File mFile ;
private List<File> mFiles ;
private InputStream mInputStream ;
public TaskPart(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
mFile=file ;
if(file.isDirectory()) {
mFiles=new ArrayList<File>(Arrays.asList(file.listFiles())) ;
Collections.sort(mFiles) ;
mInputStream=nextInputStream() ;
} else {
mFiles=new ArrayList<File>() ;
mInputStream=new FileInputStream(file) ;
public int read() throws IOException {
int result=mInputStream==null?-1:mInputStream.read() ;
if(result<0 && (mInputStream=nextInputStream())!=null)
return read() ;
else return result ;
protected String getRelativePath(File file) {
return file.getAbsolutePath().substring(mFile.getAbsolutePath().length()) ;
protected InputStream nextInputStream() throws FileNotFoundException {
if(!mFiles.isEmpty()) {
File nextFile=mFiles.remove(0) ;
return new SequenceInputStream(
new ByteArrayInputStream(getRelativePath(nextFile).getBytes()),
new TaskPart(nextFile)) ;
else return null ;
private void dateiSpeichern(int i1, int i2, String hexR) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
try {
String tF = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH-mm-ss").format(new Date().getTime());
try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("C:\\Users\\win7p\\Documents/hashLog.txt", true))) {
writer.append("Hash Value: ");
writer.append(hexR); //without StringBuilder I would have much //strings added next to eachone line by line
} //normal here is also a catch code.
你的標題和你的問題之間的關係究竟是什麼? – EJP
不知何故,爲什麼它寫了這麼多的字符串,如果這可以避免沒有子字符串方法。但似乎子串是短暫而有效的。 –
我無法制作頭部或尾部。它寫的與子串完全沒有關係。 – EJP