2013-07-07 88 views


OddsId Agt  Ma Sma  Result 
1  Agt1 Ma1 Sma1  x 


我也不是很確定如果NOT函數實際上會返回什麼! 請幫助我。

Function fcComm1(oddsId As Integer, agt As String, ma As String, sma As String, fcOption1 As Integer) 
If Not setFcType(agt, ma, sma) Then 
    fcComm1 = "Invalid2" 
End If 
For i = 1 To bets.ListRows.Count 
    currOddsId = bets.ListColumns("OddsId").DataBodyRange(i) 
    currTransId = bets.ListColumns("TransId").DataBodyRange(i) 
    currPlayer = bets.ListColumns("Account").DataBodyRange(i) 

    If (currOddsId = oddsId) Then 
     If FcType = "agt" Then 
      currAgt = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(currPlayer, accounts.DataBodyRange, 9, False) 
      If (agt <> currAgt) Then 
       fcComm1 = "" 
       GoTo NextIteration 
      End If 
     ElseIf FcType = "ma" Then 
      currMa = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(currPlayer, accounts.DataBodyRange, 10, False) 
      If (ma <> currMa) Then 
      fcComm1 = "" 
       GoTo NextIteration 
      End If 
     ElseIf FcType = "sma" Then 
      currSma = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(currPlayer, accounts.DataBodyRange, 11, False) 
      If (sma <> currSma) Then 
      fcComm1 = "" 
       GoTo NextIteration 
      End If 
     End If 

     exchangeRate = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(currPlayer, accounts.DataBodyRange, 4, False) 
     blindRisk = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(currPlayer, accounts.DataBodyRange, 6, False)/100# 
     fcComm1 = fcComm1 + ForecastBet(currTransId, exchangeRate, blindRisk) 


    End If 
End Function 

Function setFcType(agt As String, ma As String, sma As String) 
setFcType = True 

If Len(agt) + Len(ma) + Len(sma) = 0 Then 
    FcType = "company" 
ElseIf agt <> "" And agt <> "0" Then 
    FcType = "agt" 
ElseIf ma <> "" And ma <> "0" Then 
    FcType = "ma" 
ElseIf sma <> "" And sma <> "0" Then 
    FcType = "sma" 
End If 

End Function 

注意:所有的變量都是正確定義的,儘管我在這裏粘貼代碼的時候刪除了這些變量。目前這段代碼工作正常。我肯定需要添加一些條件。 Thnks。 – Shan




Function setFcType(agt As String, ma As String, sma As String) 
setFcType = True 

If ((Len(Trim(agt)) > 0 And (Len(Trim(ma)) > 0 Or Len(Trim(sma)) > 0)) Or (Len(Trim(ma)) > 0 And (Len(Trim(agt)) > 0 Or Len(Trim(sma)) > 0))) Then 
    setFcType = False 
    Exit Function 
End If 

If Len(agt) + Len(ma) + Len(sma) = 0 Then 
    FcType = "company" 
ElseIf agt <> "" And agt <> "0" Then 
    FcType = "agt" 
ElseIf ma <> "" And ma <> "0" Then 
    FcType = "ma" 
ElseIf sma <> "" And sma <> "0" Then 
    FcType = "sma" 
End If 

End Function 

非常感謝@varocarbas。它幫助我解決了這個問題。 – Shan


不客氣。你的描述和代碼是清晰的(事實並非總是如此......)。 – varocarbas