2010-12-22 54 views

Morning All,用經典的ASP顯示XML數據


Dim nTitle, nDescription, nWeight, nImage, nPrice, StoreMemberID, nDobaID, StoreItemCatID, nTrue, nFalse, MarkupPerc, nYes, nNo 
Dim nFileName, intNewID, paryProducts 

FUNCTION FetchProductRecords(str) 

    Dim objHTTP, RSSURL, RSSFeed, xmlRSSFeed, RSSItems, objItem, objChild, paryOut, nCell 
    Redim paryOut(6,-1) 
    nCell = 0 
    RSSURL = "http://www.storeboard.com/excel/" & str 

    Set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") 
    objHTTP.open "GET",RSSURL,false 
    RSSFeed = objHTTP.responseText 

    Set xmlRSSFeed = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument") 
    xmlRSSFeed.async = false 
    Set objHTTP = Nothing 

    Set RSSItems = xmlRSSFeed.getElementsByTagName("Row") 
    Set xmlRSSFeed = Nothing 

    Redim preserve paryOut(6,RSSItems.length-1) 
    FOR i = 0 TO RSSItems.length - 1 
    Set RSSItem = RSSItems.Item(i) 
    FOR EACH objChild IN RSSItem.childNodes 
     IF nCell = 3 THEN 
     paryOut(0,i) = objChild.text 
     ELSEIF nCell = 5 THEN 
     paryOut(1,i) = objChild.text 
     ELSEIF nCell = 7 THEN 
     paryOut(2,i) = objChild.text 
     ELSEIF nCell = 27 THEN 
     paryOut(3,i) = objChild.text 
     ELSEIF nCell = 23 THEN 
     paryOut(4,i) = objChild.text 
     ELSEIF nCell = 40 THEN 
     paryOut(5,i) = objChild.text 
     END IF 
     nCell = nCell + 1 
    nCell = 0 
    FetchProductRecords = paryOut 

paryProducts = FetchProductRecords(nFileName) 
IF isArray(paryProducts) THEN 
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%"> 
    <tr style="background-color:#000000;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10px"> 
    <td style="padding:5px" align="center">DOBA ID</td> 
    <td style="padding:5px" align="center">TITLE</td> 
    <td style="padding:5px" align="center">DESCRIPTION</td> 
    <td style="padding:5px" align="center">PRICE</td> 
    <td style="padding:5px" align="center">WEIGHT</td> 
    <td style="padding:5px" align="center">IMAGE</td> 
    <% FOR i = 0 TO uBound(paryProducts,2) %> 
    <% IF i > 0 THEN ' to avoid the header %> 
    <tr style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10px"> 
    <td style="padding:5px"><%=paryProducts(0,i)%></td> 
    <td style="padding:5px"><%=paryProducts(1,i)%></td> 
    <td style="padding:5px"><%=paryProducts(2,i)%></td> 
    <td style="padding:5px"><%=paryProducts(3,i)%></td> 
    <td style="padding:5px"><%=paryProducts(4,i)%></td> 
    <td style="padding:5px"><%=paryProducts(5,i)%></td> 
    <% END IF %> 
    <% NEXT %> 
<% END IF %> 



有一個偉大的一天,聖誕快樂, 保羅




nFileName = "cameras2.xml" 
paryProducts = FetchProductRecords(nFileName) 


如果您的應用程序和XML駐留在同一個網站,然後查看這篇文章INFO: Do Not Send ServerXMLHTTP or WinHTTP Requests to the Same Server


它也適用於我的機器,但我不認爲這是@ neojakey的問題,因爲在進一步檢查數據時,我可以看到它與單元格編號不匹配。這當然假設他的應用程序不會在檢索1.17 MB XML文件時超時。 ;-) – stealthyninja 2010-12-22 21:07:22



| 0 | supplier_id   | 4                          | 
| 1 | drop_ship_fee   | 0                          | 
| 2 | supplier_name   | Diamond                        | 
| 3 | product_id    | 17697                         | 
| 4 | product_sku   | BCR10                         | 
| 5 | title     | OmniSource 10 12 AC/DC Charger                  | 
| 6 | warranty    | OmniSource 10 12 AC/DC Charger/Reconditioner for VHS &amp; VHS-C (9.6V to 12V) full size camcorders | 
| 7 | description   | new                         | 
| 8 | condition    | Lenmar                        | 
| 9 | details    | 0                          | 
| 10 | manufacturer   | 2010-12-19T17:24:23.000                    | 
| 11 | brand_name    | 22091                         | 
| 12 | case_pack_quantity  | BCR10                         | 
| 13 | country_of_origin  | 2147483647                       | 
| 14 | product_last_update | 2147483647                       | 
| 15 | item_id    | OmniSource 10 12 AC/DC Charger                  | 
| 16 | item_sku    | 0                          | 
| 17 | mpn     | 0                          | 
| 18 | upc     | 1.95                         | 
| 19 | item_name    | 8.27                         | 
| 20 | item_weight   | 28.01                         | 
| 21 | ship_alone    | 27.2                         | 
| 22 | ship_freight   | 69.95                         | 
| 23 | ship_weight   | 4                          | 
| 24 | ship_cost    | in-stock                        | 
| 25 | max_ship_single_box | 0                          | 
| 26 | map     | 2010-12-16T15:06:25.000                    | 
| 27 | price     | Catalog||Electronics &amp; computer||Camera &amp; photo||Digital camera accessories     | 
| 28 | custom_price   | http://images.doba.com/products/4/images_prodLarge_BCR10.jpg           | 
| 29 | prepay_price   | 400                         | 
| 30 | street_price   | 400                         | 
| 31 | msrp     | 0                          | 
| 32 | qty_avail    |                          | 
| 33 | stock     |                          | 
| 34 | est_avail    |                          | 
| 35 | qty_on_order   |                          | 
| 36 | item_last_update  |                          | 
| 37 | item_discontinued_date |                          | 
| 38 | categories    |                          | 
| 39 | attributes    |                          | 
| 40 | image_file    |                          | 
| 41 | image_width   |                          | 
| 42 | image_height   |                          | 
| 43 | additional_images  |                          | 
| 44 | is_customized   |                          | 


IF nCell = 3 THEN 
    paryOut(0,i) = objChild.text 'product_id' 
ELSEIF nCell = 5 THEN 
    paryOut(1,i) = objChild.text 'title' 
ELSEIF nCell = 6 THEN 
    paryOut(2,i) = objChild.text 'description' 
ELSEIF nCell = 27 THEN 
    paryOut(3,i) = objChild.text 'price - could be ?' 
ELSEIF nCell = 23 THEN 
    paryOut(4,i) = objChild.text 'weight - could be ?' 
ELSEIF nCell = 28 THEN 
    paryOut(5,i) = objChild.text 'image' 

