2013-07-01 35 views

在我嘗試滾動自己的優化看起來有些複雜之前,我正在尋找Scala中的union-find或disjoint set數據結構的現有實現。Scala中的Union-Find(或Disjoint Set)數據結構

我的意思是this類的東西 - 其中兩個操作unionfind進行了優化。



有點複雜?按等級優化的聯合只是增加了一些簡單而直觀的條件,而路徑壓縮則增加了一個賦值(維基百科上的僞代碼掩蓋了這一點,試圖重寫它 - 但它不像維基百科的版本更難理解)。實現這是微不足道的(與提出它並分析它的漸近複雜性形成鮮明對比)。 – delnan


另請參閱:CR - [Scala:Disjoint-Sets](http://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/17621/15600)。 –




package week2 

import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet 
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap 
* Union Find implementaion. 
* Find is O(1) 
* Union is O(log(n)) 
* Implementation is using a HashTable. Each wrap has a set which maintains the elements in that wrap. 
* When 2 wraps are union, then both the set's are clubbed. O(log(n)) operation 
* A HashMap is also maintained to find the Wrap associated with each node. O(log(n)) operation in mainitaining it. 
* If the input array is null at any index, it is ignored 
class UnionFind[T](all: Array[T]) { 
    private var dataStruc = new HashMap[T, Wrap] 
    for (a <- all 
    dataStruc = dataStruc + (a -> new Wrap(a)) 

    var timeU = 0L 
    var timeF = 0L 
    * THe number of Unions 
    private var size = dataStruc.size 

    * Unions the set containing a and b 
    def union(a: T, b: T): Wrap = { 
    val st = System.currentTimeMillis() 
    val first: Wrap = dataStruc.get(a).get 
    val second: Wrap = dataStruc.get(b).get 
    if (first.contains(b) || second.contains(a)) 
    else { 
     //below is to merge smaller with bigger rather than other way around 
     val firstIsBig = (first.set.size > second.set.size) 
     val ans = if (firstIsBig) { 
     first.set = first.set ++ second.set 
     second.set.foreach(a => { 
      dataStruc = dataStruc - a 
      dataStruc = dataStruc + (a -> first) 
     } else { 
     second.set = second.set ++ first.set 
     first.set.foreach(a => { 
      dataStruc = dataStruc - a 
      dataStruc = dataStruc + (a -> second) 
     timeU = timeU + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) 
     size = size - 1 



    * true if they are in same set. false if not 
    def find(a: T, b: T): Boolean = { 
    val st = System.currentTimeMillis() 
    val ans = dataStruc.get(a).get.contains(b) 
    timeF = timeF + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) 

    def sizeUnion: Int = size 

    class Wrap(e: T) { 
    var set = new HashSet[T] 
    set = set + e 

    def add(elem: T) { 
     set = set + elem 

    def contains(elem: T): Boolean = set.contains(elem) 

