下面是一種方法。瑣碎的分解只是每個字母一個。 ([['A'], ['D'], ['G']]
。)您從這些開始。如果它們只在一個位置上有所不同,則可以合併兩個。 ([['A'], ['D'], ['G']]
+ [['A'], ['E'], ['G']]
= [['A'], ['D', 'E'], ['G']]
def matches(a, b):
return sum(1 if al == bl else 0 for (al, bl) in zip(a, b))
def subset(a, b):
return all(al.issubset(bl) for (al, bl) in zip(a, b))
def combinations(lists):
if len(lists) == 1:
for e in lists[0]:
yield [e]
for e in lists[0]:
for c in combinations(lists[1:]):
yield [e] + c
def decompose(words):
decomps = [[set(letter) for letter in word] for word in words]
queue = decomps[:]
while queue:
a = queue.pop()
for b in decomps:
if len(a) == len(b) and matches(a, b) == len(a) - 1 and not subset(a, b) and not subset(b, a):
merged = [al | bl for (al, bl) in zip(a, b)]
if merged not in decomps:
decomps.reverse() # Put larger decomps at the start.
for n in range(1, len(words) + 1):
for ps in combinations([decomps] * n):
generated = set()
for p in ps:
generated.update(''.join(word) for word in combinations(p))
if len(generated) == len(words):
return ps
if __name__ == '__main__':
words = ['ADG', 'ADH', 'BDG', 'BDH', 'CDG', 'CDH', 'AEG', 'AEH', 'AEI']
for p in decompose(words):
print p
[set(['A', 'C', 'B']), set(['D']), set(['H', 'G'])]
[set(['A']), set(['E']), set(['I', 'H', 'G'])]
你可能想沿着NFA到DFA轉換線的東西。 – leppie
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